Open Camera focus and alternatives


Im not getting comfortable with the preinstalled camera application.

I have troubles with focusing. Normally I have set auto or continuous focus.
When Im moving around or getting close to something it takes some seconds to focus or even becomes blurry. Sometimes it dont even help to focus manually by clicking (especially for close pictures). Additionaly taking the photo itself takes 2 or 3 seconds…does anyone has a solution to make focusing better and faster? With other phones/apps I didnt had this problem. They focused perfectly and shot the photo immediatly. Maybe someone has an alternative app recommendation?


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You can try

Simple Camera - Contains no unnecessary functions (A camera with flash, zoom and no ads.) -


FreeDCam (Substitute of the default Camera with enhanced shot, exposure, image options) -

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Thanks @tyxo for recommendations!

Does anyone know a solution of the problem?