Has anyone ever been able to get the 5G technology working on the Oneplus Nord avicii? Have you ever seen the 5G icon come on and did you have to do anything to the stock ROM before installing eOS? Are you running Official or Community build?
I don’t live in an area with 5G but when I visited such a place it worked. Make sure the Preferred Network Type settings are correct. You need sn option which includes NR.
At one point I was using the Oneplus Nord with eOS 1.7s and the NR option was greyed out.
I have since flashed the phone back stock ROM from AC2001 (India) to AC2003 (Europe) I believe the hardware is the same on both phones.
In reviewing this I realize that my phone is at what I think is Oxygen OS12 (maybe this is my problem)?
Either way I have installed a thing call 5G switch and the setting seemed to take. But like you I was not in a 5G coverage area. This weekend I will do a test in a 5G coverage area. I have just created more question than answers for myself.
Do you know if you were running stock ROM Oxygen OS or Android 12 when you first started out before flashing eOS? If it was Android 12 where do I get that OS?
Thanks for your reply Vaughan. Can I ask are you in Europe or North America?
I test the stock ROM today and 5G is indeed working.
The problem I have now is I tried the easy installer and I am now soft bricked.
In the instruction it say make sure that the device is at Android 12. In this case does it mean Android 12 or Oxygen OS 12. I have done internet searches and only come up with oOS ROMs.