Pb wifi connection sharing following update

I have a Fairphone 3+ with e/OS from the beginning.
I just installed the latest update from June 22.
Since then, wifi connection sharing, which I use every day, no longer works. But on USB it works.
To whom should the problem be reported?

Thanks !

J’ai un Fairphone 3+ avec e/OS depuis le début.
Je viens d’installer la dernière mise à jour du 22 juin.
Depuis, le partage de connexion wifi, que j’utilise tous les jours, ne fonctionne plus. Mais en USB ça fonctionne.
A qui faut il faire remonter le problème ?

Merci !


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This is reported in bugs #5699 and #5703

The #5703 is still open.
I’ve just tried the 29th june release (1.1-20220629200240) and can confirm it’s still present.