Photos uploaded to Murena seen in Files but Gallery is empty

Hi, my photos were showing up in the murena gallery but then I deleted all files in the /Photos directory and uploaded a bunch more (I was trying to get the right sync settings). Since then, anything I upload doesn’t get recognised in gallery. I’ve checked my timeline path and it’s still set to /Photos. When I try set an additional timeline path and select the Photos directory it says “no files in here” even though there are dozens of files in there. Any help would be very appreciated. I’m testing murena as a Google alternative but want to make sure everything works of course.

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I looked at (what is “gallery” in murenacloud / nextcoud) if there was a report similar to yours and didn’t hit anything. Does the behaviour still occur? I’d guessed there is some delay in detecting new files.

Actually, I found out that my issue only relates to files uploaded by FolderSync. If I upload a file manually via the Murena website then it shows up immediately in Gallery. I turned to FolderSync to sync files via webdav because the nextcloud app was not uploading my files (endless errors which apparently others are encountering). Perhaps some metadata gets stripped from the files when FolderSync does its thing but who knows. Anyway, I should start a new separate topic on the nextcloud issue, as right now nextcloud and Murena doesn’t sync for me.

So I see that Murena dashboard contains “Gallery” (as text and Icon) which is a redirect for Memories.

Loading Memories presents

A better photos experience awaits you
Choose the root folder of your timeline to begin
You can always change this later in settings

This seems rather different from a simple sync of Gallery on the device.

I should clarify. I’m not using an E OS phone. Just Android 13 (Lineage OS) with a Murena cloud account. The expected behaviour is any photos uploaded into the “Photos” folder in Murena Files should then be shown in Gallery (in Timeline). But this isn’t happening with files I sync from my phone to Murena cloud. My photos do end up in the “Photos” folder but they aren’t showing in Gallery. But as stated in my last post I’ve now found out that this is only for files synced using the FolderSync app. If I upload files manually via the web interface then it shows up fine. Can’t imagine why.

I cleared all and then found that I could reproduce this because I could not find Settings as seen

For me Settings within Memories appears once you have exactly one Album set as “root of timeline” or so.

Then “Gallery Settings” allows to add more folders.

I hope this helps.

Thanks but this is not a folder issue. I have “/Photos” set as the folder for my timeline to use. It successfully detects photos I manually upload, but it doesn’t detect photos synced over webdav by FolderSync, even though those files do exist in the /Photos folder. Not sure if this is a bug in Murena Gallery or a bug in FolderSync, or just a ‘feature’ of webdav transfers that I don’t understand.

But as stated in my last post I’ve now found out that this is only for files synced using the FolderSync app. If I upload files manually via the web interface then it shows up fine. Can’t imagine why.

could you make a sanity check, and md5sum a photo locally on the phone and its hash online after upload? I wonder if FolderSync is stripping EXIF info that memories needs for the timeline. (Memories depends on known file formats. I guess you upload JPGs)

Good suggestion. I thought it would show a difference but alas they are the same(!). This is even more bizarre. Yes this is from photos taken on a Pixel 4. I’ve checked for hidden files in my /Photos directory too but none there.

 > md5sum 2023-12-31-18-20-52-920_murena.jpg
31ea446413d5dcfa929dff2e01cfe461  2023-12-31-18-20-52-920_murena.jpg
 > md5sum 2023-12-31-18-20-52-920.jpg
31ea446413d5dcfa929dff2e01cfe461  2023-12-31-18-20-52-920.jpg
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Just to tie this off, I couldn’t resolve this issue. I’ve ditched foldersync and gone back to an old version of the nextcloud app (3.25) which doesn’t suffer from the auto-uploading issues. But I must say the performance of the syncing still leaves a lot to be desired. I can have photos not synced up to 24 hours later when I’ve been on wifi the whole time with ample battery.

you could describe your case at to catch anyone else running into maybe in a position to debug this (nextcloud selfhosters usually)

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