Pixal 4a OTA to 2.0 seems to not work even though it says it is available

S and T versions are available on dev branch
but you are right there is no e-1.21-r-dev as R was dropped after latest e-1.8.1-r-20230206257804-dev-sunfish


anyway you are on the stable branch :

the advice is to clearing cache AND storage in → android settings → applications → show system apps → updater → storage & cache

other way is to apply the update from recovery…

I cleared both the cache and the storage. I am on the stable version, correct.

The phone still tells me there is an update available (e/OS 2.0 from may 6th) but when I try to have the OTA update installed, the same as ever happens. It downloads, goes through all the motions of updating, then when it is time for “first boot” and the “reboot” button is showing, I press reboot, the phone reboots, and then the update seems gone and the whole process starts all over again. Does this mean the OTA update does not work on the Pixel 4A?

I was hoping to somehow get the OTA working since the updater seems to offer it for this phone. Installing from recovery is always a bit risky and since I am on an eSIM that might get wiped if something goes wrong, I would like to not take that risk if at all possible.

the system updater use the recovery to install the new build…

just don’t wipe anything

I might try that if no other options are available. I am just wondering how and why the OTA is not working, and how to get it working. But if no one knows, I would like to update at some point, so if no other solutions are offered, I might just go for the manual recovery option.

wait for any comment from users more skilled than me on this point…

I certainly hope that anyone has an idea. It would be very welcome.

Perhaps unlikely in this case but does the Updater offer Local Update in the top right 3 dot menu?

Interesting thought! Alas, I tried that but it only has the options for preferences (where no local updates is to be selected) and show release notes. The dots behind the available update only say “copy URL”. So unfortunately :frowning:

I briefly checked the v2.0 feedback thread with this search for sunfish.


Looks like about 4 fails for the 2.0-r-sunfish-stable build.

Sorry I did not check it in sufficient detail to see if anyone already did the apparently necessary Report an issue, but from this search https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/backlog/-/issues/?sort=created_date&state=opened&search=sunfish&first_page_size=20, I think not.

I notice that the stable build does not show on the install page https://doc.e.foundation/devices/sunfish/install, so I would guess that perhaps you should be considering preparing for upgrade to Android 13 (T) and …

Though I’m not an expert I can tell you that OTA for S and T are working fine.
I changed from R to S and from S to T as soon as the new version was available. And for both the OTA works.
Thus I assume that the update problem is somehow connected to R.

Thanks for the information! Did you switch with a manual update? If so, did you suffer any data loss? Normally I am not picky about manual installation except now is different, since I have een eSim from my work and I don’t want to accidently wipe it and making it impossible for people to call me.

Edited (I’m very sorry, but I mixed up my memories! I don’t remember, if there was data loss when upgrading from R stable to S dev):

I manually updated S dev to T dev according to the instruction here. The Easy-Installer wasn’t usable to install a dev-version at that time. I don’t know if it’s now.
I had no data loss, but a backup before upgrading is preferable, of course.

So Manual Upgrade from R stable to S Dev is possible without data loss?! Could you describe how exactly you did that?

I have similar issues with Oneplus8Pro.

Sorry to say, but I mixed up memories. I upgraded only from S dev to T dev without data loss.
When I got the phone, I installed R stable and then S dev and didn’t care about data loss.
But in all cases I followed these instructions.

Hi, I am experiencing the same problem here. You will find the details below:

Device name: Pixel 4a
Android version 11
/e/ OS version: 1.21-r-20240323388914-stable-sunfish
Build number: e_sunfish-user 11 RQ3A.211001.001 eng.root.20240323.041303 dev-keys

I am trying to install the update to /e/OS 2.0 from 6th May 2024. The update appears in the system update manager, it downloads and install when I tap ‘install’, but when the phone reboots it goes into fastboot mode to switch back to the build version 1.21.

Has a solution been found?

They are trying to fix it, there are gitlab issues. Don’t remember with which update 2.2 or 2.3, etc.

@Leon You can do a ‘dirty flash upgrade’ but you need some additional files from the recovery zip. I did it a couple of months ago. I found some minor issues (bluetooth speaker can’t be switched from music apps, only via bluetooth settings) but everything else worked fine so far. Anyway have a BACKUP!!

Thanks a lot for the update. I’ll wait for the fix for now then.

I have not found a fix for my original problem and seeing as there have been issues with trying to fix it, you need to take into account that a solution might not be found. I think that if you want/need security updates and everything, you need to consider backing up your files and apps, and do a complete new install with the latest version. That might be your fastest solution.

I have had the same problem of not being able to update from V1.21 to V2.1 on several devices (not just Google Pixel). However, this method has usually worked for me - without data loss - namely first install V2.0 and then update to V2.1 via OTA update.

How to proceed:

Download e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.zip and recovery-IMG-e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.zip

Unzip recovery-IMG-e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.zip
are included - flash this two files via …

fastboot flash dtbo dtbo-e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.img
fastboot flash boot recovery-e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.img

Now reboot into e-recovery V2.0 to verify the installation
(Note: do not delete anything, so no factory reset either)

adb sideload e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.zip
Reboot to system

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