Pixal 4a OTA to 2.0 seems to not work even though it says it is available

Thanks a lot for the update. I’ll wait for the fix for now then.

I have not found a fix for my original problem and seeing as there have been issues with trying to fix it, you need to take into account that a solution might not be found. I think that if you want/need security updates and everything, you need to consider backing up your files and apps, and do a complete new install with the latest version. That might be your fastest solution.

I have had the same problem of not being able to update from V1.21 to V2.1 on several devices (not just Google Pixel). However, this method has usually worked for me - without data loss - namely first install V2.0 and then update to V2.1 via OTA update.

How to proceed:

Download e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.zip and recovery-IMG-e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.zip

Unzip recovery-IMG-e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.zip
are included - flash this two files via …

fastboot flash dtbo dtbo-e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.img
fastboot flash boot recovery-e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.img

Now reboot into e-recovery V2.0 to verify the installation
(Note: do not delete anything, so no factory reset either)

adb sideload e-2.0-t-20240508399779-dev-sunfish.zip
Reboot to system

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