Pixel 4 XL, V2.0 and recents screen

After updating the Pixel 4 XL, I stopped calling the Recents Screen, in the settings the items for switching gestures to buttons disappear altogether, here is the video and ~ logcat

If I have correctly caught LogCat, then this is the reason why the items in my settings disappear:

1715971143.865  1000  1774  2705 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000
1715971143.882  1000  1774  2210 W ActivityTaskManager: Tried to set launchTime (0) < mLastActivityLaunchTime (2708045)
1715971143.890  1000  6919  6919 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isFlagEnabled = true
1715971143.890  1000  6919  6919 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isSplitSupported = false
1715971143.895  1000  6919  6919 D SettingsActivity: Starting onCreate
1715971143.897  1000  6919  6919 D SettingsActivity: Done setting title
1715971143.897  1000  6919  6919 D SettingsActivity: Starting to set activity title
1715971143.899  1000  6919  6919 D SettingsActivity: Switching to fragment com.android.settings.gestures.GestureSettings
1715971143.899  1000  6919  6919 D SubSettings: Launching fragment com.android.settings.gestures.GestureSettings
1715971143.900  1000  6919  6919 D AssistGesture: mAssistOnly:false, isSupported:false, isSensorAvailable:false
1715971143.900  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.AssistGestureSettingsPreferenceController
1715971143.901  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.DoubleTapPowerPreferenceController
1715971143.901  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.DoubleTapScreenPreferenceController
1715971143.901  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.DoubleTwistPreferenceController
1715971143.901  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.OneHandedEnablePreferenceController
1715971143.901  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.PickupGesturePreferenceController
1715971143.901  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.PowerMenuPreferenceController
1715971143.901  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.PreventRingingParentPreferenceController
1715971143.901  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.ScreenOffUdfpsPreferenceController
1715971143.901  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.SwipeToNotificationPreferenceController
1715971143.901  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.SystemNavigationPreferenceController
1715971143.901  1000  6919  6919 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.gestures.TapScreenGesturePreferenceController
1715971143.902  1000  6919  6919 D ConstraintsHelper: construct key=touchscreen_gesture_settings available=false
1715971143.903  1000  1774  2210 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction queried by uid 1000 (com.android.location.fused et al): null
1715971143.903  1000  6919  6919 D AssistGesture: mAssistOnly:false, isSupported:false, isSensorAvailable:false
1715971143.903  1000  6919  6919 D AssistGesture: mAssistOnly:false, isSupported:false, isSensorAvailable:false
1715971143.903  1000  6919  6919 D AssistGesture: mAssistOnly:false, isSupported:false, isSensorAvailable:false
1715971143.903  1000  6919  6919 D ConstraintsHelper: construct key=device_touchscreen_gesture_settings available=false
1715971144.964  1000  1774  1799 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction queried by uid 1000 (com.android.location.fused et al): null

P.S. I was able to return 3 buttons, but clicking on the square is also not called “recently”, and the elements in the settings disappear

P. S. The unsuccessful rollback of Bliss Launcher from the previous installed firmware version helped, in my case e-1.20-s-20240220382012-stable-coral and the Bliss Launcher version 1.18.0, although the rollback failed, but the recents screen somehow worked, but the menu items also disappear

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