Pixel 4a battery

Hello Forum

I have stumbled upon this article about some Google update which breaks the battery:

Now I am wondering how this might affect devices with e/OS? It is not about warranty, it is more about the vendor patches side. My device has the version e_sunfish-user 13 TQ3A.230901.001 eng.root.20250112.044504 and the number is higher from what is see which version Google left on the servers (TQ3A.230805.001.S2), which should be a ‘safe’ version. Am I understanding it correctly?

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the sunfish kernel is https://review.lineageos.org/q/project:LineageOS/android_kernel_google_msm-4.14 atm - as everybody is aware of what the patch does you’ll see there if it is imported wholesale or modified when google (if?) will push their source to their repository[1]. I don’t think this will happen… a quick glance tells me Lineage merges (the old) kernel org lts 4.14, not google-msm - see GitHub - openela/kernel-lts at linux-4.14.y

As of now only the toolchain changes are public (see Hector Martin: "So there's a bunch of noise going around a sneaky…" - Treehouse Mastodon)

[1]: tagged with a android-msm-sunfish-4.14-* prefix at Refs - kernel/msm - Git at Google

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Sorry, but what does this mean in amateur words? :innocent:
Will the battery update be part of future updates for Sunfish?

It means, that the update which broke (from my understanding) alot of 4a’s won’t be used with Lineage, atleast so far.

Great, thank you!
Does someone know if the battery update from g is “undone” if a custom ROM is installed afterwards?