February 2, 2025, 9:03am
Hello Forum
I have stumbled upon this article about some Google update which breaks the battery:
Google has removed all previous Pixel 4a updates. At the start of 2025, Google announced a Pixel 4a Battery Performance Program...
Est. reading time: 2 minutes
Now I am wondering how this might affect devices with e/OS? It is not about warranty, it is more about the vendor patches side. My device has the version e_sunfish-user 13 TQ3A.230901.001 eng.root.20250112.044504 and the number is higher from what is see which version Google left on the servers (TQ3A.230805.001.S2), which should be a ‘safe’ version. Am I understanding it correctly?
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February 2, 2025, 1:46pm
the sunfish kernel is https://review.lineageos.org/q/project:LineageOS/android_kernel_google_msm-4.14 atm - as everybody is aware of what the patch does you’ll see there if it is imported wholesale or modified when google (if?) will push their source to their repository[1]. I don’t think this will happen… a quick glance tells me Lineage merges (the old) kernel org lts 4.14, not google-msm - see GitHub - openela/kernel-lts at linux-4.14.y
As of now only the toolchain changes are public (see Hector Martin: "So there's a bunch of noise going around a sneaky…" - Treehouse Mastodon )
[1]: tagged with a android-msm-sunfish-4.14-*
prefix at Refs - kernel/msm - Git at Google
1 Like
March 11, 2025, 10:18am
Sorry, but what does this mean in amateur words?
Will the battery update be part of future updates for Sunfish?
March 11, 2025, 10:28am
It means, that the update which broke (from my understanding) alot of 4a’s won’t be used with Lineage, atleast so far.
March 11, 2025, 11:28am
Great, thank you!
Does someone know if the battery update from g is “undone” if a custom ROM is installed afterwards?