Pixel TWRP Install FAILED 'Not allowed to flash (recovery)'

Phone - Pixel 3A
Android 12
Trying to install TWRP twrp-3.7.0_12-0-sargo
but get this

Sending ‘recovery’ (65536 KB) OKAY [ 2.091s]
Writing ‘recovery’ FAILED (remote: ‘Not allowed to flash (recovery)’)

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Are you sure to have first unlocked the bootloader ?

Developer Options > OEM unlocking = ON

So was following the instructions at
But doing more research it seems to unlock the bootloader of your device, type in fastboot oem unlock OR fastboot flashing unlock. But this wipes all data…

Does this mean I have to start all over in order to use TWRP to
back up phone?

it is the first step.
Now, you have to:

  • reboot in fatsboot mode (your phone is off, hold the power button and volume down button at the same time until you see the Fastboot Mode main menu appear.
  • then from your computer: fastboot flashing unlock

For more detailed steps see here :

So did that and it said Unlocked.
Still says Device state; Unlocked on the fastboot mode screen, Also on load it has the warning about it being unlocked.

Rerun the twrp install:
adb devices ,
adb reboot bootloader ,
fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.7.0_12-0-sargo.img

Sending ‘recovery’ (65536 KB) OKAY [ 2.080s]
Writing ‘recovery’ FAILED (remote: ‘Not allowed to flash (recovery)’)
fastboot: error: Command failed

Note that phone isnt wiped.
(“unlocking the bootloader will factory reset your device”) …

You missed a step, see there https://twrp.me/google/googlepixel3a.html
For short: you need to boot twrp through adb in fastboot mode and then flash twrp.

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What step did I miss?

I have confirmed bootloader is unlocked.
adb reboot bootloader > once phone is in fastboot mode I run
fastboot boot twrp.img
Unless there is a specific place twrp.zip should exist on my phone.
It sits in the main internal storage.

according to lineageOS instructions :

If you see “no permissions fastboot” : try running fastboot as root.

I do not receive/see a no permissions fastboot"
the adb reboot bootloader works and reboots phone into fastboot mode.

I switched to using the .img file instead of the zip files.
I get this:
FAILED (remote: ‘Error verifying the received boot.img: Buffer Too Small’)

What operating system are running on your computer?

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Windows 10 (haha 20 character count)

First step is to boot twrp and then from the booted twrp IMG, flash the twrp ZIP

You might eliminate the possibility that correct fastboot drivers are not installed.

While working, have open a Device manager window. As you boot the device into Fastboot, or issue a fastboot command check that the phone has not become a " :warning: Problem device" within Device manager. If it does then run Windows update while the device is connected in fastboot mode.

Checked and no Problem Device in DM.

I think Im going to wipe it and start over.
Put TWRP on before anything else.

So, did you solve you issue ?

And I haven’t had time to wipe it to start over.

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