Play Integrity Failed

Hi, I just bought a FP4 with eOS preinstalled. (I updated to the latest OS update)
I have issue with Play Integrity test on some application
Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
StandardIntegrity : Failed to bind to the service

When using Play Integrity API Checker, I get an error saying Play Store is too old and need to be updated.

I saw there is a package on GitHub called PlayIntegrityFix.

do you implement this package in your releases ?
How can I pass by this integrity issues ?


MicroG has many play api protocols reverse engineered but far from all of them. Here is a thread with lists of apps that work and don’t work with MicroG, so it is better if you can point to specific apps you are wanting that aren’t working correctly, then we can go from there to see if there is a solution / workaround for you.

Edit: after investigation, it seems not all app work on Huawei phone neither

Hi, thanks for the reply.
I saw the thread, but I live in Asia, none of the banking apps are listed :slight_smile:
However, Huawei uses microG and list banking apps on their gallery. (I have not tried on a Huawei yet, I am investigating)
As example (there are more)
Integrity is sometimes checked at start, sometimes at login phase

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