Please rename /e/ to something pronounceable & searchable

/e/ = slashy slash (where y = “e”)
slashy OS

whatever, take your pick… any variation using the slash in the name would be hip and marketable (i’m guessing)

What about: EasyPrivacy OS ?

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Name suggestion: eedom os.
As in freedom.


i think eOS would just be best, and it can stand for “ethical OS”


Wow, great! I really like “e” for this community, and in fact enough times I write eOS instead of /e/OS. Also that it could stand for ethical OS is great.

The only problem I see is with the project name, not with the OS. Naming some project with a letter name use to be problemous:

  1. it’s not recognized as a word or name as there are almost no monosilabic words, apart from prepositions, on many languages.
  2. for the internet, it would not be easy to find the project instead the letter (or random results containing that letter)

eOS is too close to iOS and could cause some misunderstandings. For example, the french “i” is pronounced kinda like the English “e”, so both OS could sound the same depending on the accent you use.


EOS somehow reminds me some japanese camera

fOS, free OS ?

Edit . I went through all the posts. Please ignore all the above

What about European OS?

Just for some extra fun.
FOS. Definitely a very bad choice !! (add last dot in the URL)

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Europe + India + Brazil + …


Un fact, gg is everywhere in world wide web. So /e/ can stand and grow up everywhere in the world :wink:

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No, /e/ is global… !
:unamused: :yum:


Just Easy.

If there is Easy installer already.

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Seen that many people is searching words to relate to “e”, maybe it would be better to really think about if that is an appropriate name (I like it, but I think it’s not appropriate)


hee all - I also like the animal theme that Thunderbird and Firefox have going on. How about a transluscent animal, because of /e/'s focus on privacy and transparency? See here for some inspiration:

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Macropinna Microstoma really rolls off the tongue :laughing:
Most of those are only transparent when juvenile. It might give the impression of bait and switch.

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Icefish could work though, or something similar

Well here in UK, juvenile European eels are known variously as elvers and glass eels. The latter would be a link back to @GaelDuval 's original Eelo idea.


Has been Jellyfish OS inspired by a similar idea, too?

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