Please support a Samsung Note +10 Please!

I have a Galaxy Note +10 with 12 gig of ram and about 500 gig of hard drive space I can’t give it up I’ve tried several times please support it for the simple im not a teck guy. Please help a guy out!

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

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There is an unoffiicial LineageOS 17.1 build for this device, so making an /e/ build should be fairly straightforward.

I’m afraid I’m not going to volunteer as I have my hands full at the moment making v0.14 builds for Sony devices.

have you ever heard of Generic System Image?

Your phone is also listed there, you could use the “b” image.
It is an image for many phones, not phone specific. It can run well, but there could also be errors.
You would have to test it to see if it runs well for you.
You can get the image file from here: I try to create a new image about every 10 days.