Polar beat voice guidance not working

During my exercises, I use polar beat together with a bluetooth heartbeat belt to track my excercise. The polar Beat app itself works just fine with /e/OS, the thing not working is voice guidance, the feature that regular reports back via text to speech, the distance, interval time, average heart rate. Text to speech in /e/OS works just fine, for instance for komoot it works.

I’m trying to find out why voice guidance in /e/OS doesn’t work for polar beat. Sofar unable to figure this out. I was curious have other the same problem, or found a fix? I’ve ran into this issue with /e/os u and t (android 12/13).

I’ve also reached out to Polar support to pass a message to their developers this issue exists and hopefully get them to look into this.

This issue is holding me back to switch my other phone from LinageOS to /e/OS

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Some things to check:
Ensure app has all permissions
Try disabling advanced privacy.
Enable any battery or background data limitation.
Ensure no other devices are trying to use Bluetooth.
Check if microg settings are still enabled and if microg has all the permissions it needs.

I din’t think it’s this, but try installing another tts like rhvoice or even google tts