Possible to downgrade to previous version 1.20?

Hi team,
I upgrade my Teracube 2 with /e/OS version 1.21.1-s-xxxxxxx-stable-emerald, but I have some issue: not enough space in the menu bar to show icons (unlike the previous version), 2 apps very very long to load (unlike previous version), etc.

Is it possible to go back to the previous version 1.20? Thank you for your help.

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You didn’t hear that v2.0 is coming/available?

So would it be possible to upgrade to V2.0 directly from 1.20 without installing 1.21 first?

Yes, that is always possible.

Maybe check with others if it is not even better to now downgrade.

If you refer for example to the VoLTE icon, it is gone with 2.0-t-dev on my pixel 4a.