Hi @didou I think, perhaps, you missed the event you wanted due to the -d
option, (Edit, specifically -d
→ dump & exit).
Practice / intro / suggestions
Start with
adb devices
adb logcat --help # Will only work with a suitable device connected and detected
option -d does not work for all situations, it records the event to the moment of generating the logcat and no more,
Where you do not yet have a real event to look for, restart the device, so you potentially reduce the size of output.
adb logcat > logcat1.txt
Example, run with -d option
adb devices
adb logcat -d > logcat2.txt
Some suggested searching of your first logcat
Search for “beginning” – this example found six. Note the time of first entry
--------- beginning of kernel
05-05 00:48:36.523 0 0 I : [ 0.000000,0] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
--------- beginning of system
05-05 00:48:36.682 576 576 I vold : Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
Seen beginning of crash
--------- beginning of main
Next two beginnings were regarding noticfications.
Check lines for these components
V Verbose
D Debug
I Info
W Warn
E Error
F Fatal
S Silent (suppress all output)
Search the output for instance ERROR by searching for “space E space”
Example 2, Shutdown
Check for possible Shutdown error.
adb logcat > logcat3.txt
Output is 16989 lines in a test of short time from Start.
Search for shutdown → 66 matches
Many lines seemed benign, then these lines seemed of interest.
11-02 09:42:33.425 1604 4882 W ProcessStatsService: Writing process stats before shutdown...
11-02 09:42:33.431 1604 4882 I ProcessStatsService: Pruning old procstats: /data/system/procstats/state-v2-2024-10-31-21-02-45.bin
11-02 09:42:33.432 1604 4882 I ShutdownThread: Shutting down package manager...
11-02 09:42:33.440 1604 4882 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms
11-02 09:42:33.440 1604 4882 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file
11-02 09:42:33.442 1604 4882 I PackageWatchdog: Last write to update package durations
11-02 09:42:33.448 1604 4893 W ShutdownThread: Turning off cellular radios...
11-02 09:42:33.448 2412 2624 V PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] Shutting down Phone 0
11-02 09:42:33.454 1604 4893 I ShutdownThread: Waiting for Radio...
11-02 09:42:34.362 1604 4882 I ShutdownThread: Performing low-level shutdown...
11-02 09:42:34.365 0 0 I [ 68.743976,5] init: Received sys.powerctl='shutdown,userrequested' from pid: 1604 (system_server)
11-02 09:42:34.365 0 0 I [ 68.743994,5] init: sys.powerctl: do_shutdown: 0 IsShuttingDown: 0
- from line 16,912 to end is successful shutdown
11-02 09:42:34.574 0 0 W : [ 68.954325,4] MSM-CPP msm_cpp_subdev_ioctl:3531 shutdown cpp node. open cnt:0
11-02 09:42:34.580 0 0 I [ 68.954328,3] msm_pm_qos_remove_request: remove request
11-02 09:42:34.580 0 0 I [ 68.960103,3] smd_pkt_open: wait on smd_pkt_dev id:3 OPEN interrupted
11-02 09:42:34.583 0 0 I [ 68.963390,6] mdss_dsi_panel_off: ctrl=0000000000000000 ndx=0
11-02 09:42:34.600 801 1571 I statsd : StatsService::Terminating
11-02 09:42:34.602 0 0 E [ 68.980217,5] [RMNET: HI] rmnet_config_notify_cb(): Kernel is trying to unregister r_rmnet_data6
11-02 09:42:34.600 801 1571 I statsd : Statsd skipping writing data to disk. Already wrote data in last 15 seconds
11-02 09:42:34.602 0 0 E [ 68.980601,5] [RMNET: HI] rmnet_config_notify_cb(): Kernel is trying to unregister r_rmnet_data7
11-02 09:42:34.600 801 1571 I statsd : Statsd skipping writing active metrics to disk. Already wrote data in last 15 seconds
11-02 09:42:34.600 801 1571 I statsd : Statsd skipping writing metadata to disk. Already wrote data in last 15 seconds
11-02 09:42:34.600 801 1571 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: android.os.IPendingIntentRef
11-02 09:42:34.601 801 1571 W RefBase : RefBase: Explicit destruction, weak count = 0 (in 0x595a61c1a8). Use sp<> to manage this object.
11-02 09:42:34.601 801 1571 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null
11-02 09:42:34.601 801 1571 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked
11-02 09:42:34.627 2003 2003 D wpa_supplicant: Control interface directory not empty - leaving it behind
11-02 09:42:34.627 2003 2003 D wpa_supplicant: Deiniting aidl control
11-02 09:42:34.646 0 0 E [ 69.023724,5] [RMNET: HI] rmnet_config_notify_cb(): Kernel is trying to unregister r_rmnet_data7
11-02 09:42:34.646 0 0 E [ 69.024168,5] [RMNET: HI] rmnet_config_notify_cb(): Kernel is trying to unregister r_rmnet_data8
11-02 09:42:34.646 0 0 I : [ 69.026309,6] mdss_dsi_off[0]+.
11-02 09:42:34.659 0 0 E [ 69.038663,6] [09: 42:34.658258] [0000000059E212E5] [VosMC] wlan: [E :HDD] wlan: disconnected
11-02 09:42:34.659 0 0 E [ 69.038704,6] [09: 42:34.658299] [0000000059E21609] [VosMC] wlan: [E :HDD] wlan(0) 00:00:00:00:00:00 Standalone
11-02 09:42:34.666 0 0 I : [ 69.041956,6] mdss_dsi_off[0]-.
11-02 09:42:34.687 0 0 E [ 69.063552,5] [RMNET: HI] rmnet_config_notify_cb(): Kernel is trying to unregister r_rmnet_data8
11-02 09:42:34.773 1183 1669 E QC-NETMGR-LIB: serviceDied(): Netd service died
11-02 09:42:34.803 0 0 I [ 69.181477,6] binder: undelivered transaction 97427, process died.
11-02 09:42:34.803 0 0 I [ 69.181506,6] binder: undelivered transaction 97426, process died.
11-02 09:42:34.853 0 0 I [ 69.232382,6] binder: undelivered transaction 97478, process died.
11-02 09:42:34.861 0 0 I [ 69.236994,7] send_filled_buffers_to_user: Send Failed -3 drop_count = 0
11-02 09:42:34.896 0 0 I : [ 69.275614,6] mtp_release
11-02 09:42:34.896 4925 4925 I NetUtilsWrapper: Unexpected command: /system/bin/ip -4 rule del prio 11999
11-02 09:42:34.939 0 0 I [ 69.314766,6] binder: release 4827:4827 transaction 97474 out, still active
11-02 09:42:34.939 0 0 I [ 69.314774,6] binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
11-02 09:42:34.939 0 0 I [ 69.319329,6] binder: release 886:886 transaction 96091 in, still active
11-02 09:42:35.102 2796 2799 I adbd : adbd_auth: hit EOF on framework fd
11-02 09:42:35.102 2796 2799 I adbd : adbd_auth: received new framework fd -1 (current = 19)
11-02 09:42:35.294 1183 1238 E power : IWakeLock::release() call failed: Status(-129, EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED): 'DEAD_OBJECT: '
11-02 09:42:35.456 0 0 I [ 69.833508,5] binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
11-02 09:42:35.456 0 0 I [ 69.833512,5] binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_ERROR: 29189
11-02 09:42:35.456 0 0 I [ 69.833695,5] binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
11-02 09:42:35.456 0 0 I [ 69.833698,5] binder: undelivered transaction 97501, process died.
11-02 09:42:35.456 0 0 I [ 69.833815,5] binder: release 1604:1994 transaction 97474 in, still active
11-02 09:42:35.456 0 0 I [ 69.833817,5] binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
11-02 09:42:35.456 0 0 I [ 69.833818,5] binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_ERROR: 29189
11-02 09:42:36.716 0 0 E : [ 71.093366,6] [NVT-ts] nvt_esd_check_func 865: do ESD recovery, timer = 3017, retry = 0
11-02 09:42:36.716 0 0 W : [ 71.093376,6] do ESD recovery, timer = 3017, retry = 0
11-02 09:42:37.543 0 0 W [ 71.922866,4] init: 1 output lines suppressed due to ratelimiting
11-02 09:42:37.553 575 745 D vold : Aborting fuse connection entry /sys/fs/fuse/connections/148/abort
11-02 09:42:37.553 575 745 W vold : Skip fsync /sys/fs/fuse/connections/148/abort on a file system does not support synchronization: Invalid argument
11-02 09:42:37.554 575 745 D vold : Aborting fuse connection entry /sys/fs/fuse/connections/81/abort
11-02 09:42:37.554 575 745 W vold : Skip fsync /sys/fs/fuse/connections/81/abort on a file system does not support synchronization: Invalid argument
11-02 09:42:37.550 4948 4948 W vdc : type=1400 audit(0.0:41): avc: denied { kill } for uid=0 capability=5 scontext=u:r:vdc:s0 tcontext=u:r:vdc:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
11-02 09:42:37.556 0 0 I [ 71.933488,5] binder: 4948:4948 ioctl 40046210 7fccd58a60 returned -22
11-02 09:42:37.556 0 0 D [ 71.934067,5] vdc: Waited 0ms for vold
11-02 09:42:37.566 0 0 I [ 71.946586,5] binder: 4949:4949 ioctl 40046210 7fffc0bfb0 returned -22
11-02 09:42:37.569 0 0 D [ 71.947281,6] vdc: Waited 0ms for vold
11-02 09:42:37.567 575 745 I vold : Killing all processes referencing /storage/emulated/0
11-02 09:42:37.633 575 745 I vold : Unmounting /mnt/installer/0/emulated/0/Android/obb
11-02 09:42:37.666 575 745 I vold : Unmounting /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/data
11-02 09:42:37.686 575 745 I vold : Unmounted /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/data
11-02 09:42:37.686 575 745 I vold : Unmounting /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/obb
11-02 09:42:37.706 575 745 I vold : Unmounted /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/obb
11-02 09:42:37.706 575 745 I vold : Unmounting fuse path /mnt/user/0/emulated
11-02 09:42:37.727 575 745 I vold : Unmounting pass_through_path /mnt/pass_through/0/emulated
11-02 09:42:37.888 575 745 I vold : Unmounting fuse path /mnt/user/0/7DF9-FC6C
11-02 09:42:37.896 575 745 I vold : Unmounting pass_through_path /mnt/pass_through/0/7DF9-FC6C
11-02 09:42:38.013 4949 4949 W vdc : type=1400 audit(0.0:42): avc: denied { kill } for uid=0 capability=5 scontext=u:r:vdc:s0 tcontext=u:r:vdc:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
11-02 09:42:38.019 0 0 W : [ 72.397028,5] [EXFAT] trying to unmount...
11-02 09:42:38.019 0 0 W : [ 72.397073,5] [EXFAT] unmounted successfully
11-02 09:42:38.019 0 0 I [ 72.398539,5] init: Sending signal 9 to service 'vold' (pid 575) process group...