Problems copying to and from Murena cloud

Hi, I’m attempting to migrate from google to Murena and part of that involves copying many gigabytes of photos from my hard drive (downloaded from google) to Murena.

I’m using Files via the web browser (Brave). I’ve uploaded/downloaded small amounts of data (up to a few hundred megabytes) to Murena before without problems but now I repeatedly get errors that are just vague (to me anyway). I’m trying to upload about 20GB of photos. See two screen shots of when I was uploading files and one where I was deleting files. In both cases multiple errors got shown. I’ve tried this process many times with the same issue. It’s not clear if it’s a particular file/s.

My internet connection is fine (I’ve uploaded/downloaded many GB’s of data to google drive via the same browser). Does anyone have any insight?
I realise there’s a nextcloud desktop program, and that I could do my upload in batches, but I don’t want to have to download/install more software and the web browser should work and be able to queue up lots of files. This kind of basic functionality should be reliable in Murena. Appreciate any help.

these could be scaling issues, either constant or based on time-of-day / parallel use, that get harder to solve the bigger the Nextcloud instance gets. Though I’m sure murena will learn over time and Nextcloud improve too.

The webdav clients (nextcloud or phone) do have retry mechanisms, while the browser is more blunt and not able to do batch ops, so using that software really does make sense.

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