Problems recovery S5 with ubuntu

i see a53gxx and lots of more numbers etc

So I do see that device code mentioned! I will have to leave you to finish that research, I think. Do come back if you get stuck! Good luck :smiley:

good morning! first off all, thank you very much for your help!
i managed to install lineage (this one) and I am super proud :wink: but i stll have some problems, maybe you can help me…

  • I don’t have localisation/GPS, there isn’t even the symbol in the menu when you swipe down from the top of the screen. when I open osmand there is a little gps symbol coming up in the bar at the top but it is still not working.
  • I put in a simcard and it is not recoginsed, allthough I am not sure whether maybe the simcard is dead.
  • I cannot swith of the sound of the keyboard even if I disable all the sounds and turn down the volume to silence
  • I cannot switch off autocorrection of typing

I was wondering whether I should install the rill fix a500h


The LOS you have installed


is not designed for your device

Ah shit… So then is this one the good system
And can I transfer the data I have now to the new system?

At first sight that .zip is a match with DeadSquirrel01 + all SM-A500 variants.

Always backup you data, preferably to an independent location.

Bon chance :smile:

and with the first phone, samsung a500h the localisation is still not working even after having installed the new system and rillfix.
I have the option to switch it on and the symbol appears in the top but it is not working. I installed an app to check the gps but it is just loading without any result.

actually localisation is working, just not in the place where I was around in the last days… but still I don’t manage to switch off the sounds of typing and the autocorrection. in the settigns it says it’s off but it keeps doing it.