Proton fundraiser

Proton is about to launch the annual fundraiser. I suggest you all nominate Murena. While competitors in some aspects, the goals of alligns pretty well with the Proton mission, and God knows Murena could use some funding :see_no_evil:

Nominate here:


Vote registred ! Better than the US election ^^


Murena or /e/os ? I sugested murena, but maybe i should have sugest /e/os foundation instead…

I also voted for Murena, let us hope!

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/e/os foundation, I guess.

I also voted for Murena

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In the end both is the same

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I nominated the e Foundation because it 's a non-profit project. Murena is more of a competitor to Proton.

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That’s a low bar :wink:

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Registered ! I chose e foundation finally.