Question Redmi Note 9

Bonjour tout le monde, et merci pour le travail que vous effectuez pour nous rendre plus libre informatiquement parlant. J’ai une petite question concernant le redmi Note 9. Le modèle que j’ai n’est pas répértorié… Est-ce qu’il le sera ? A-t-il déjà été testé ? Puis-je tenter l’installation d’une rom pour Note 9 Pro répertoriée ? Modèle M2003J15SG
Merci encore une fois à toute l’équipe.

Hello everyone, and thank you for the work you do to make us more computer-free. I have a quick question regarding the Redmi Note 9. The model I have is not listed… Will it be? Has it already been tested? Can I attempt to install a listed Note 9 Pro rom?
Thanks again to the whole team.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

only unofficial builds to date, see this thread for more

User itsclarence linked a local_manifest that is an easy starting point to build a current unofficial. Also an older 0.15 build is accessible.

The repos inside the local_manifest see regular attention from PixelExperience, so I’d say it seems in a healthy condition - if someone will do community builds every few months it would be good enough™ short of having a Lineage or /e/ maintainer.

Thanls you.
I’ll take a look.

as the last post is almost 2 years old, I am wondering if anyone has successfully installed /e/ os on a Redmi Note 9 type M2003J15SG in the meantime? a few months ago I came across an info on the officiel /e/ website that listed the compatible Redmi Note 9 models, and that M2003J15SG wasn’t part of it, hence, not supported. But I can’t find this info anymore, so I guess now all models, including M2003J15SG are now eligible?

I had an Xiaomi, Redmi Note 9 codename merlinnfc in the past. I installed the ROM published in the now “Not found” page in Post #2 and used it successfully for several months. I have no note of the marketing name for my phone, sorry. It was / is a dynamic partitions or super partition device, so it was very important to flash the ROM correctly.

The merlin device codename was not unique, and LineageOS and /e/OS have adopted the codename merlinx

The model M2003J15SG is found within the Google “Official list”

Redmi,Redmi Note 9,merlin,M2003J15SC
Redmi,Redmi Note 9,merlin,M2003J15SI
Redmi,Redmi Note 9,merlin,M2003J15SS
Redmi,Redmi Note 9,merlinnfc,M2003J15SC
Redmi,Redmi Note 9,merlinnfc,M2003J15SG

At the time I relied on information I found at XDA here,

M2003J15SG is mentioned in


Thanks for the links and details about your install. Honestly I’m a bit hesitant to flash the phone without a detailed step-by-step instruction (It’s not my phone, it my mother’s). I really don’t want to brick it.

Hi Denis,

I’ve tried to install e OS on the M2003J15SG but to no avail. Impossible to install the recovery therefore impossible to install e OS.

If anybody could find a solution I would be pleased.

Point #9 of the OP of the @VD171 XDA link I quoted.

The subject crops up a few times also in the thread itself.

Votre modèle Redmi Note 9 (M2003J15SG) n’est actuellement pas officiellement pris en charge par LineageOS. Cela signifie qu’il n’y a pas de ROM LineageOS officielle disponible pour votre appareil.

Cependant, cela ne veut pas dire qu’il est impossible d’installer LineageOS sur votre appareil. Il existe des ROM LineageOS non officielles développées par des communautés d’utilisateurs pour divers modèles d’appareils.

Avant de tenter d’installer une ROM non officielle, il est important de noter que cela peut comporter des risques.

  • Votre appareil peut être endommagé si l’installation n’est pas effectuée correctement.
  • Vous risquez de perdre vos données si vous ne les sauvegardez pas avant d’installer la ROM.
  • La ROM non officielle peut ne pas fonctionner correctement sur votre appareil.

Official crdroid custom (LOS-based) rom - up to Android 14 - builds are available for Redmi Note 9 (merlinx).

Hope that helps.

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