Question regarding camera

I swwitched from a standard google Samsung to a e/OS OnePlus nord, screen and speed are OK… Though the Oneplus costs much less then the Samsung I don’ t see a reason to put e/OS on my old Galaxy… beside… the camera.
Pics from the Galaxy. S10+ are much better than those from the OnePlus.
Is it really the better camera? Or is it Samsung AI? I will install e/OS on the Galaxy - but only when I have a kind of guarantee that the picture quality improves significantly.
Thanks for all good hints

Is there a trick to mirror an e/OS device… I have so many apps… Its a big pain to have a well status again, after swapping the hardware.

We had a lot of camera threads here. The first what you can do is to go through the options of the camera app. These options are complicated and have not the best settings by default. Noise reduction is completely off. You get surely a better result but mostly it’s still not satisfying.

Then you could try several apps, even on /e/. Look what I wrote here (forget the Fairphone 4 caption for a moment):

The difference between camera apps is that they have own algorithms for noise reduction, focusing, exposure, sharpening edges, compression, this all has an impact on the picture quality. You have a good chance to find a camera app which takes better pictures than the stock app.

With some Samsung experience I would say that I am fairly certain that Open Camera will not find its way though all the proprietary bits in the camera software. In my experience and from forum posts images (and the process of taking) will be of lower standard on /e/OS (many models) than original Samsung.

SecureCamera from GrapheneOS is generally better at taking pictures on my Samsung on /e/OS.

If you didn’t mention guarantee, then it would be worth testing! :slightly_smiling_face:

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