Quick settings does not reflect, when the flashlight has been switched on by a hardware button on LG G5


Background: the LG G5 allows switching on the flashlight/torch by long pressing the Power button. (It is not default settings, it has to be changed in the system.)

Setup: Allow to switch on the flashlight by Power button (Settings > Buttons > Power > Long press for torch) and switch on the flashlight by holding the Power button.

Actual results: The Quick settings (pull down from the top of the screen) does not reflect that flashlight state. When the flashlight has been switched on by a hardware button on LG G5, the icon for the flashlight says off. The icon has to be pressed twice, alternating the on and off, to switch off the flashlight.

Expected behavior: The Quick settings reflects the state of the flashlight, when switched on by a hardware button. It would say on, when the torch is switched on by Power. And it would allow to switch off the torch by a single touch on the icon.

Please open a case here : https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/backlog/-/issues (needs a separate account).

Thank you, dear @smu44. It is at https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/backlog/-/issues/1432