Quickly scan a Barcode

… or “Howto remap long home button press to any Activity”

I wanted a quick way to scan QR Codes. com.abast.homebot can register as assistant app and can map a long home button press to any activity. It’s a Kotlin App and comes in at 2MB but the gained utility is great.

The excellent BinaryEye or lean (700kb) Barcode-Scanner offer a direct Activity for the camera capture.



Use this one

Modify the link. I am not allowed to post correct links to f-droid…

Is /e/ scary??? :man_facepalming:

In OS Settings, Search assistant had to be set for long-pressing the Home button. That should trigger Homebot and the user choice, but HomeBot keeps stopping on 0.19-q on LG G5 h850. Anybody can confirm else?

… or an individual can make own evaluation from GitHub - SecUSo/privacy-friendly-qr-scanner: Privacy Friendly QR Code Scanner for Android

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(your reply made me realize this needs some screenshots for directions)

If Homebot itself keeps stopping with an error adb logcat will explain. Have you linked an Activity yet?

“How to Quickly scan a Barcode II”

Binaryeye has another property for quickly scanning without Homebot: it includes the Scan code as Shortcut. Frankly I was unaware of Androids Quick Settings being User editable:

How does it look in code? via android.app.shortcuts in its AndroidManifest.xml a app/src/main/res/xml/shortcuts.xml will be used.

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