Recommendations around $300 USD?

So my phone got ran over and the screen, despite not cracking at all, isn’t functioning 100%. I’m looking for a budget friendly replacement. My only requirements are smooth performance switching between apps, and a reasonably fast camera, that functions on T-Mobile. I don’t use it for anything intense. I don’t use many resource intense apps. I’m also ok with buying an older model, as long as it’s not super old.

I thought about the Motorola Edge 30 but I want to get some other recommendations. The pixel 6a seems like a good option as well but I’ve been burnt every time I’ve bought an unlocked pixel. They’re always locked up Verizon and can’t be modded.

The easiest option would probably be the Teracube 2e directly from Murena.

Other than that, I can’t help you. I’m a fan of small phones with a headphones jack, so Zenfones were the only option for me. Those are expensive and ASUS locked the bootloader, so you couldn’t use one anyways.

Samsung A series or Moto G are the only thoughts that come off the top of my head.

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