I would recommend Bitwarden (open source, cross-platform with a desktop version and user-friendly). I have been using it for 2 years now, it’s really convenient to store and manage rigorously.
I think it’s definitely better than other password manager I tested before (Lockwise, Keepass, Lastpass, Dashlane, Sticky Password…).
Sorry for the late reply here … I kind of mis-spoke (forgot about this). I use KeePassXC on all my laptops/PCs/VMs, and I use KeePassDX on my phones. They are different apps, but fully cross-platform compatible (with the password file) … and you can link directly to a NextCloud password file (e.g., stored in your /e/-Cloud storage space).
I am new with /e/ coming from iOS.
At iOS I use Strongbox as Password Manager with integrated OTP. It’s great.
After searching an alternate for my new FP3+ with /e/OS I found KeePassDX.
Conclusion: this app does what the developer’s great website promises!
The Database file is fully compatible with Strongbox on my MacBook Air,
so I can exchange the database file via sending an E-Mail with Tutanota to myself
with all of my devices (FP3+, three iPhones and my MacBook Air).
@Genjuro: fortunately, I haven’t noticed any of the problems, which I’m sure have been fixed since then (May 2019).