You can easily synchronize your .kdbx database with Nextcloud. You just have to put your DB in any /e/ nextcloud folder on your computer and nextcloud will sync it.
On your phone, you can either use KeepassDX from fdroid or Keepass2android from Aurora (there is an offline version in fdroid also).
With KeepassDX, you can choose your database through the native /e/ file explorer, since its synced with your /e/ nextcloud instance.
With keepass2android, you have an option to connect directly to your nextcloud.
I use this app and it works well on a Pie ROM
I’m trying KeepassDX but wonder where to store my database, because when saving it in the Documents folder, I get this limitation. Is Keepass2Android a better option in this case?
I’m not sure to understand. Are you trying to sync your Windows “Documents” folder ? I’m on linux but I think it’s the same on windows and mac but I think nextcloud creates its own folder to sync all your files (I have indeed a “Nextcloud” folder and sub-folders in it).
Maybe there is a way to sync your Document folder but I’ve never tried to do so.
And if you put your .kdbx in your nextcloud folder or any sub-folder, I’m pretty sure it’ll work with KeepassDX.
In short, I only get my .kdbx file to synch when I enable Pictures and videos synching in the setting of my /e/ account on my phone. However I don’t want my photos and videos synched with the cloud.
Disclaimer: I am not using the /e/ account, but I use Nextcloud on various devices. I only want to help with brainstorming your problem.
Based on my experience, I suspect that your problem is related to some specific settings/choices of the Nextcloud service provided by /e/.
Perhaps /e/ account/service assumes the kdbx extension as some type of media file and in addition, in order to prevent involuntary network/storage usage, it is set not to upload media files unless explicitly chosen.
Nextcloud by itself is neutral with regard to file type and folders.
I hope this can help you to identify the specific setting and solve the problem (sorry if I cannot do it for you at this moment).
What about autofilling fields in the browser? How do the above-mentioned solutions solve this challenge? For example, in case of KeePass I can use a compatible browser extension.
For the security enthusiasts amongst you guys, I’d recommend you a hardware password manager, for e.g.
That’s probably the most secure way of storing credentials as there is no time your device has access to all passwords, meaning a compromised phone/computer does not mean that all your passwords are compromised as well.
Of course such a hardware password manager is not quiet as easy to use as KeePass or similar. You definitely have to sacrifice quiet some convenience for this.
But this may change in near future. The Mooltipass guys are currently developing a Bluetooth LE version with phone integration which probably will feature autofilling etc. I’ll definitely look into it once it’s released and post back to you incase some of you are interested.
When you refer to above-mentioned solutions are you referring to the android keepass style apps, or to the Keepass alternatives?
Keepass2android is easy to use. There are a few ways to do it, I use the alternative keyboard method which has a “button” at the top to fill in the details. This allows use in many apps.
For the alternatives to Keepass:
Enpass is very nice. It is similar in use to Keepass with a “program” and a browser extension, but improved. The program offers many sync methods, including USB key syncing. The browser extensions are noticeably better at detecting a new login and at detecting the login fields, so there is much less manual interaction to use passwords. The mobile apps are less user friendly than the keepass based alternatives. Also on their forum they have acknowledged that there is no support for /e/. If they supported /e/ and other ROMs I would be using this one.
Bitwarden. Can be used as just a browser extension. Should be the simplest of the 3 to use. In practice the password generator is not as configurable as either Keepass or Enpass so it is harder to optimize the passwords to various site requirements. I suggested this one for my wife as easy to use but really regret it. She uses a Mac and it has been nothing but trouble. Many mis-remembered / corrupted passwords. It is so bad that now she asks me to capture passwords for her and check they are working. On one site it took 3 tries to get Bitwarden to correctly record the password. I have now worked out a method to get it to co-operate. Also on Safari the password capture is broken so each site must be manually set up. I have not used the mobile version so I can’t comment. My wife is using the Android version and has not complained about that one so far. Once I get her to see the benefit of a password manager I will move her away from this one to a paid alternative.
Is this still your favourit @harvey186?
I didn’t find any mobile version for my fp3. In fdroid I see KeePassDX, this is not the same as XC version. In the Doc/Help section nothing is mention about mobile version.
Can you give me some advise? Did I miss something?
Hi all.
Is it expected that KeepassDX on mobile forgets the DB located on a nextcloud server (not the /e/ one ) between sessions, i.e. when the phone is turned off then back on?
Have anyone used Authpass? This is one of the best keepass-compatible password saver I have seen. Supports importing TOTP by scanning QR code, and has optional sync via webDAV.
You had me with “sync via webDAV”. My database is on so I hope it works there and not just with NextCloud.
I use KeePass2Android on all of my ROMs and have no problems with it, other than it’s not available on F-Droid.
Reading up, AuthPass looks good. On Github the dev seems open, active, personable, and handles all bug reports with equal importance.
I’ll be checking it out.
Im having problems with autofill.
With keepassdx as wel as with kp2a
Anyone else?
The setting in the 2 apps are enabled , but even if i change the keyboard setting it doesnt make effect