Reporting issues to /e/ apps

Hi, sometimes I’m confused or not sure, whether to post an issue to GitLab or to the original source code of an app. E.g.

Sometimes I’m sure, that the issue is /e/ OS independent, sometimes I’m not. Should I worry and should I differentiate? Or should I report any issue with /e/ apps and such forks to GitLab for – at least – statistics reasons? Is there a policy or recommendation for issue reporting, please?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

There is only one place where you need to raise issues which is here
This was done to avoid such confusion. Once the bug is raised we add a label to it and it gets assigned to the a particular project or developer.
Ideally users should not be able to access any other projects directly to raise issues.


Hi there, I want to register for Gitlab, but my e-mail address is not accepted. I get the message “Email is not allowed for sign-up. Please use your regular email address. Check with your administrator”. I’d like to contribute to Gitlab but now I can’t. My e-mail address is valid and is not a crap or temporary one.

I stumbled upon strange bugs so far, with Mail and sms. It’s getting harder maintaining enthousiasm about /e/ when even the standard apps doesn’t work properly.

Some time back, we had an issue with dummy accounts being created on the GitLab. Due to this issue, the admins have disabled new ID creation from the users side. To create a new /e/OS Gitlab ID pl send a mail to and the team will help you further.

Hello Manoj, thank you for the solution. I will send an e-mail.