'Resigning' from making /e/OS builds

I have been making unofficial and custom builds of /e/OS - mostly for Sony’s excellent ‘compact’ devices - for three years now. I have reluctantly decided that I will stop doing so after the v-13 release (currently undergoing beta testing) is released.

The main reason for this decision is lack of time: as well as building /e/OS

  • I make builds of IodéOS (which I use on my own devices) and Lineageos4MicroG for a number of devices
  • I spend time in forums and Telegram channels trying to support thes OS’s
  • Ihave recently started to help out the maintainer of L4M who is trying to keep on top of the project on his own

All of this, along with making the /e/OS builds is taking up more of my time than I want to give. So something has to give, and that something is /e/OS.

I will make sure that all the resources (build scripts, manifests, docker run commands) that I use when making these builds are available here, in the hope that others will take up the challenge of building /e/OS for these devices. And I’ll still be lurking around these forums, but I’ll probably be a bit quieter :wink:


Your input is always appreciated :heart: glad to hear you will still be around!

(edit: typo: your (not our) :upside_down_face:)


Thank you for all your work on this!


Hello, thank you for your efforts and time you invested into this project. Could you share a vokoscreen video how you did your last build with all the steps involved? Maybe someone will be able to continue your work. Thanks!


Thanks for the effort that you have put in building Custom ROM’s Pete. I do understand that the process of making custom ROM requires setting aside long hours, which most of us may not always have to spare. Appreciate your support and commitment to helping out on the forum.


I greatly appreciate all your work on the Sony XZ1 Compact, Pete. Thanks to your builds I was finally able to install a custom degoogled ROM on my favorite phone.


Well said Manoj!!!

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