Revolut selfie not working after phone reset


I just reinstalled /e/OS after trying lineage/iode/fairphoneOS for a few days to see if they had fewer reboots than /e/os with the FP5.

Reboots were fine, but I had applications not working (SNCF, Revolut,…), except on fairphoneOS. So I came back to /e/OS because I don’t want google apps and services, and now I’m stucked with Revolut selfie recognition.

Revolut support is useless, but it appears that the selfie is “too big” to be recognized. I read on the forum that Revolut seems to be working (and i could log in without any problem in november). Are any user of revolut using a fairphone 5 with a recent login with selfie ?

Do you have any clue on how to have selfie recognition working ?

I guess it’s a message in a bottle, but if someone have any idea, I would be grateful.

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This seems to be due to the fact that MicroG has not yet implemented MLKit, cf. Implementing MLKit API (say, for scanning QR codes / barcodes) · Issue #2018 · microg/GmsCore · GitHub

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