S10 stuck on Android 9 can I flash Android S?

I have a S10 (SM-G973F) with standard Samsung firmware (Android 9) and I want to install /e/ on it. In the Installation Guide it is marked that the device should be on the latest Android 12 firmware before installing /e/. If I try to update the phone via the settings or via the Samsung Smart Switch App it states that the phone is up to date. The CSC of the phone is set to DBT and I’m checking for updates with the phone in Germany.
So my question is: Can I flash /e/ os Android 12 on the phone by following the /e/ documentation cited above or do I imperatively need to update the phone to a Samsung Android 12 version before I can do this?
If I need to upgrade to a Samsung Android 12 Version before flashing /e/ I would be very happy if somebody can provide me with an easy guide on how-to do so. I haven’t found anything quite fitting yet. I use Linux and Windows so a how-to for either of these would fit me.
Thank you very much in advance for your help !

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

I suggest that you definitely do want to upgrade first.

I cannot explain the difficulties you are having with official tools, but I found this quite quickly

I suggest you check with your local Samsung support (perhaps https://www.samsung.com/de/support/) so that you get a full understanding of any “failure to update issues” before you make the change to /e/OS

Good luck.

Footnote, might any failure to update be connected with some change of country of residence or change of carrier in the past ?

Thank you.
Got in contact with Samsung Support. They told me to send it in for 70€ to change the firmware.

To your footnote: Yes the phones CSC-Code was originally SEK (Ukraine) but I did a factory reset with a German Sim-Card and it asked me if I wanted to change the residency to Germany. Right now the CSC is DBT. But the Serial-Number and the IMEI are still bound to Ukraine (non-EU) thats what blocks the update.

Considering that 70€ is a lot of money. I want to flash it myself with Odin and the latest firmware from Sammobile. Just to be sure: I can flash the German firmware from the list on a phone which has currently an Ukrainian firmware? Or do I need to flash the latest Ukrainian Firmware?
And can I flash /e/ os with the documentation cited above on a phone which has the latest ukrainien firmware from Sammobile

I think this calls for more research … it may involve making your firmware changes in the correct sequence and testing as you go, but I don’t know for certain.

I think you need to ask again in Samsung Community support. Are you able to navigate usefully from this link …

Unfortunately for me it produces unhelpful redirects, but I hope that you can find a Community forum with a little patience.

Yes, it is the way to go, latest DBT firmware seems to be :

Just to give an update and close the topic.
In the Samsung Community Support Forum flashing is a forbidden topic so there is not much information about it.
I flashed now the phone and it works. I used this firmware and flashed it with Odin. I will now proceed with the flashing of /e/. Thanks for your help!

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