S9+ preinstalled from /e/: problem decrypting with yubikey 5 NFC

I am using S9+ purchased from /e/. Really nice device, but… I have a problem with openkeychain and yubikey 5 NFC.

Can encrypt, but when decrypting, I get the following error while communicating with the NFC token: “error transceive length exceeds supported maximum”

It seems it might be related to the ROM, as suggested here https://gitlab.com/LineageOS/issues/android/issues/576 , and here https://forum.xda-developers.com/mi-6/development/rom-crdroid-v4-6-t3837921/page2

“ROM’s NFC Manager seems don’t support Extended APDU.”

Could this be the case with /e/ Rom ?
This makes Openkeychain unusable with yubikey 5 nfc…

Thanks for your comments.


Hi @alci Please raise this as a bug in gitlab so that a developer can have a look and resolve it.

Opened issue https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/android_frameworks_base/issues/19

(not sure it’s the right sub-project although…)