Safetynet and Rootbeer compatibility status on /e/OS phone

Samsung Galaxy A5 2017
/e/OS: e-2.0-r-20240509400072-dev-a5y17lte

Pixel 7 Pro

Just flashed with last available image (2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-cheetah)

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Galaxy Tab A7 10.4 2020 (Wi-Fi) gta4lwifi


Google Pixel 4 (flame)

Open Bootloader relocking failed

SafetyNet Test v.1.2.1 - 3 Trackers | 6 permissions

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Samsung Galaxy S9 (SM-960F)
/e/OS: 2.1-s20240603406609-stable-startlte

  • Rootbeer failed (unrooted device)

Google Pixel 4a
e/OS: 2.2-t-20240716417775-dev-sunfish

with 1.2-t and all checks after it was working (didn’t check every version…)

Hi @mihi Pl can you try multiple attempts on this device. One of our testers got fail in the first two attempts and then it passed. All the same not a good result.

I tried it couple times when it failed the firsttime, did it just now again and fails still even after couple of checks

Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 “Merlinx”
/e/OS: e-2.2-t-20240717417775-dev-merlinx

Thanks. The issue has been shared with the developers who will be checking on this regression.

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Pixel 7 (panther) failed, (2.2-t-20240718417775-dev-panther)

This post is for all / e-/ os maintainers!

SaftyNet check will not pass if kernel name containes


For example it fails on redmi note 9s/pro as stated above starting from upgrade to version T.
On version 2.2:
D:\Android\platform-tools>adb shell
joyeuse:/ # uname -r

while it still pass on Mi A1, ver 2.2:
D:\Android\platform-tools>adb shell
tissot:/ $ uname -r
tissot:/ $

Please rename kernel. This naming conventions are mandatory (amoung other stuff) to pass SaftyNet check!!!
Thanks in advance!
P.S. Please check [](

Mi 9 Lite SaftyNet works fine on T 2.3. Kernel name does not contain lineageOS just like Mi A1. Great!