2010 Samsung Epic 4G - epicmtd
These are the specs of the phone from GSMArena:
All supported Android versions:
Please add details like on what other ROM is it currently running:
Domination Build 1 June 18, 2013 on Jelly Bean 4.2.2
Out of support
urls on XDA or other forums where the device custom ROM’s are available
This link is where I found the Domination Build 1 ROM + Domination Gapps at:
I found my current ROM (Domination) with the help of Bill720 A.K.A. Browningate, an XDA staff member and forum moderator.
The phone is capable of running Clockwork
This XDA Forum is where I’m able to find Custom Android ROMs from 4.3.X.–4.4.X
Samsung Epic 4G (“Samsung Epic 4G XDA Forums” on a Google Search should bring you the top answer as a result.)
Only known problem with my current phone setup is that sometimes important apps (like the launcher) would stop working properly for no apparent reason and only ROM reinstalls are known to fix it.
With this submission, I’m looking forward to maybe seeing some more use out of this phone along with anybody else who might still own one of these by bringing e/OS and its ecosystem to the device. Thank you.