Samsung - Galaxy A52 4G - a52q - Documentation Suggestions

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I’m already using e-OS with a samsung S10+ and installed the OS following the related guide that specified to use heimdall for the installation of the recovery. I want to install e-OS on a A52 4G and in the guide it specify to use odin for the installation of the recovery. I’m on Ubuntu so I don’t want to use odin, can I follow the same steps with heimdall to install the recovery on the A52 4G ?

I suggest that this open issue and unmerged pull request account for the fact that both /e/OS and LineageOS a52q install instructions both recommend Odin / Windows.

If you have confidence / experience you might test the patch from the second link.

Thank you for your reply.
I will probably use a PC on Windows and flash with Odin…

the documentation states:

Download the /e/OS build zip file from the section marked ‘Downloads for a52q’. Extract the contents of the /e/OS build zip file. You will find a ‘vbmeta.img’ in the extracted files.

But there is no vbmeta.img inside the zip.

I cannot also extract payload.bin as a workaround to get the .img as stated here

Can I just use one of the vbmeta.img realease at LineageOS for a52q?

If I look the sha256 of every vbmeta.img nightly versions, they are different. Is it important to choose the same version as the OS?


Documentation at one time suggested one could “borrow” other needed.img files from elsewhere, but lots of users had failures. You observed diffs in shasum checks, not the best idea, I suggest.

I have used those instructions ok on a different build. Where does it go wrong ? Windows or Linux ?

I guess you have to think through the author’s the use of wildcard * in the quoted method. Another wording looks like:

An alternate method to get the partitions
  • Download latest release of payload-dumper-go ( ) to the same directory (*) where you downloaded the /e/OS T build ZIP file
  • Open terminal and cd to (*) directory
  • Extract the zip file by running this command
    unzip payload.bin
  • Here the example of the lemonadep file has been taken. Replace with the zip file of your zip
  • Extract payload-dumper-go by running this command tar xzvf payload-dumper-go_1.2.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz payload-dumper-go
  • now run ./payload-dumper-go -partitions -o dtbo,vendor_boot
  • Here the two partition files expected for this device dtbo and vendor_boot are mentioned
  • This method can be used as a temporary measure while the team resolves the issues with the builds and adds the partitions to the recovery zip file

Source: Week 41, 2023: Development and Testing Updates


It seems the reason for this workaround is that the correct type of “bundled recovery zip”, today, is not yet published for this device. When available it may look like this Recovery and boot


Where does it go wrong ? Windows or Linux ?

As I already wrote, there are no “vbmeta.img” or “payload.bin” inside the, you cannot extract something that was not packaged… it’s not SO or program relevant

There is a certain mismatch of documentation with published material. Looks like I guessed wrong in where that mismatch was in this case. I apologize for attempting an answer.

since vbmeta.img seems used just to remove the lock to boot a custom recovery, I flashed the latest nightly from LineageOS and installed eOS without any issue


Je partage mon expérience sur l’installation /e/OS sur un Samsung Galaxy A52 4G tout neuf le 10 mars 2024.

Pour cela, j’ai utilisé le tutoriel /e/OS ainsi que celui de LineageOS (dont est issu celui de /e/OS) car contrairement à ce qui est inscrit deans le tutoriel /e/OS, il n’y a pas de fichier “vbmeta.img” dans l’archive .zip spécifiée.

J’ai donc récupéré le fichier “vbmeta.img” correspondant à une date similaire de celle de mon archive /e/OS sur le site de LineageOS (

Pour pouvoir utiiser Odin, il m’a fallu utiliser un Pc windows. Etant utilisateur Linux, j’aurai pu émuler un windows virtuel, mais je ne préférais pas … question de stabilité.
J’ai donc installé le “vbmeta.img” et la nouvelle “recovery” avec Odin installé sur un Pc windows.

Je suis ensuite passé sur un Pc Linux pour l’installation de /e/OS car les lignes de commande adb et fastboot sont quand même nettement plus aisées et plus pratiques sous Linux.

Toute l’installation s’est bien déroulée et mon téléphone fonctionne très bien et est hyper réactif. Le système est stable et très plaisant. Bref, je suis content de mon nouveau téléphone qui en plus me garantit un peu plus de confidentialité (j’apprécie beaucoup la notation spécifique des applications dans “App Lounge”).

Le seul bémol que je note jusqu’à présent est la déconnexion fréquente de “App Lounge”, ainsi que ses difficultés à se reconnecter parfois.

Sinon, LineageOS ayant déjà sorti une build sous android 14 pour le Samsung Galaxy A52, j’espère qu’il en sera de même pour /e/OS.