Samsung Galaxy builds for unsupported devices suggestions

No I haven’t. And unfortunately I did also not succeed with /e/OS-T build for this device

That’s ok, appreciate the effort you have put in, my main tablet at the moment is a Galaxy Tab A8 which can only run custom GSI android R and S at present

Which Tablet is this? You can buy an old Samsung Tab S2 either 8" or 9.7". /e/OS is still working on these

The Tab A8 is the SMX200, ideally i want to find a Tab S5e as i know /e/ works on that tablet.

Yes, in my opinion the Tab S5e is currently the best tablet for custom ROMs like /e/OS. I have the LTE version since over one year and its very stable

Any devices you still want to have /e/OS and not yet available (and LineageOS sources available…)?

long defunct… :thinking: btw i have no idea why /e/ stopped building that officially but well yea I’m not that active here in that forum that’s true.

if you want to try again:


you might also try chagalllte on the SM-T700, I read that this might also work…

Hi @ronnz98 thanks so much for the new builds, i have tried installing all three, twrp indicated the 1.16q klimtwifi build was corrupted, twrp didnt recognise the chagalllte as matching the device, and the 1.16r klimtwifi installed and was stuck at the e boot logo.
Over the next days i will try downloading the 1.16q klimtwifi build again and see if it installs.

did you also try klimtlte?

Not yet, but will when i get time :slight_smile:

Hi @ronnz98 i had the time to test the klimtlte builds but twrp didnt let them install. I tried a new download of the klimtwifi 1.16q build but stuck at the samsung logo on boot unfortunately.

ok… then it really seems the SM-T700 is not supported anymore by /e/OS.
I did a lot of builds for the Samsung Tab S2 which should work (I have a SM-T713, SM-T800 and SM-T813 and all work) if you want to upgrade :slight_smile:

ok one final try

Got feedback fro SM-T800, please try this too:
after first boot let it boot for a minute then vol down power hard turn off and let it restart then it will boot to setup !

Tested your latest build on SM-T700 (klimtwifi) and it has the same behavior than previous one : stuck on splash.The 1-minute trick is not working neither.
Thanks anyway for your hard work !

With the sm-t800 do I need to change the file name to reflect klimtwifi?

I do not know. But found this

and this:

Hello! I’m not getting any satellite reception. Do you?

Which device and which version of /e/OS?

Well, the one I’m replying to, of course: Samsung Galaxy builds for unsupported devices suggestions - #31 by ronnz98

LG G5 H850: