Hello everybody,
i search some OS like /e/ for a long time ago !
but my phone isn’t in the list ; someone has installed on Galaxy Core Prime
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online services
Hello everybody,
i search some OS like /e/ for a long time ago !
but my phone isn’t in the list ; someone has installed on Galaxy Core Prime
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online services
I want this too, it would be great to have it with /e/OS!
I am also interested
I would be interested too
Dunno if any of you are still interested in this device, but we suggest to try involve maintainers by opening “issues” like this in their repos:
It would be also useful to edit this build request in a more “standard” format:
I am interested too
Is there any maintainer(s) for the device sm-g361f ?
I think we are talking about Samsung, Galaxy Core Prime coreprimevelte
You might check out https://forum.xda-developers.com/tags/core-prime-ve/, or share links with a closer match.
I did not find an official Lineage device tree at https://github.com/LineageOS.
A part answer to this question would be locating someone, perhaps from the first link, who had successfully built LineageOS and maintained that for a while.
The core prime ve group seems to comprise
Samsung Galaxy Core Prime, coreprimeve3g, SM-G361H
Samsung Galaxy Core Prime, coreprimeve3g, SM-G361HU
Samsung Galaxy Core Prime, coreprimevelte, SM-G361F
Samsung Galaxy Core Prime, coreprimevelte, SM-G361M
Thank you @aibd
I found https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-7-1-2-sm-g360h-hu-lineageos-14-1-for-samsung-galaxy-core-prime.3586184/ maybe someone with technical bg can take the lead on the discussion to inpire remilia15 Senior Member ?
Some - maybe - useful (re)sources:
Hope that helps.
I would be interested, too.
I found the official Android ROMs here: https://www.sammobile.com/samsung/galaxy-core-prime-lte/firmware/#SM-G361F and (for France) here: https://www.phonandroid.com/forum/threads/liste-des-roms-officielles-pour-samsung-galaxy-core-prime-lte-sm-g361f.129056/
I also found an unofficial version of TWRP bootloader for this device: https://xdaforums.com/t/sm-g361f-ve-lte-unofficial-twrp-2-8-7-3-0-2-seandroid-enforcing-fix.3425402/ , but did not even test it, as there does not seem to be any alternative ROM for this device. No LineageOS or /e/OS, in particular.
This ROM is for a slightly different model: SM-G360H or SM-G360HU. So it’s probably not safe to try to install it on SM-G631F