Samsung - Galaxy S4 Mini (International Dual SIM) - serranodsdd - Documentation Suggestions

Please add your suggestions to improve the documentation for the Samsung - Galaxy S4 Mini (International Dual SIM) - serranodsdd here …

I’ve tried to build for S4 mini dual sim following the documentation, and indeed I think it’s not documented enough.

If you do it steb by step, from the start, it doesnt work. (I think… because I know I need to be modest and maybe I made a mistake)

To summarize, the doc says to
1/ pull the docker
2/ create the /srv/e/ directories… that are at this point EMPTY
3/ documentation then tells you to go to the device directory to use the shell script that will aquire the blob from the phone, except that the device directory is nowhere to be found if you strictly follow the documentation at this point

LineageOS is more documented to download source, sync the repo, but doesn’t rely on the docker build so no help there

I’m trying to build a new image for serranodsdd which I’d happily share.
The phone is not maintained anymore which makes it a bit harder (I still don’t know if it’s possible at all).

I’ve seen that blobs are available here for lineage 18.1 which is presumably the equivalent of e/os Q (?)

so I’ve tried to download those files and put them in the /srv/e/src/Q/samsung/serrano-common and /srv/e/src/Q/samsung/serranodsdd but that didn’t work

I also can’t find error logs of the docker installation (which doesn’t give much feedback).

Kinda stuck here! Help needed please

Hi @ndx
Welcome here in this /e/users forum. And thank you for your effort building an up to date version for this device. (I am happy to run /e/ “R” on the LTE variant)
Info about Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini (International Dual SIM) - serranodsdd

Since lineage 14 was based on android 7 (nougat)
Then lineage 16 was based on android 9 (pie)
Sure lineage 18 is based on android 11 (R) red velvet cake

Have you already read this document from one of this forum’s active /e/ builder ?

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I never succeeded with docker, although I have built /e/ by traditional methods. @ndx you might glance at this for inspiration, but please don’t rely on my input re docker!

I think that the thing you are missing is guidance on how to use local_manifests in docker. I would suggest you build LineageOS according to their instructions. The build will produce roomservice.xlm and you will find in the documented place. Save the roomservice.xml and use it later in local_manifests in docker.

Docker is “automated”, with your experience acquired in a manual build, the workflow of docker may seem more clear.

LineageOS will pull from these sources (as a supported build no user input is needed) but the proprietary blobs will be missing, hence the

lineage 18.1 which is presumably the equivalent of e/os Q (?)

18.1, Android 11; 17.1 Android 10 q

Good luck

thanks for the input!

I have indeed struggled a lot with the local manifest trying different things to no avail until now.

One more difficulty is that I don’t have a computer that I can compile android on… I don’t have the power nor the disk space, so I do some bits locally, and some bits on a virtual machine in the cloud.

My hope was to be able to use TheMuppets to download the right files, but yes I do miss guidance on how to build the proper xml file in local_manifest

For now, I have tried these different variations…

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_serrano-common" path="device/samsung/serrano-common" remote="github" revision="linage-18.1" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_serranodsdd" path="device/samsung/serranodsdd" remote="github" revision="lineage-18.1" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common" path="kernel/samsung/msm8930-common" remote="github"  revision="lineage-18.1" />
  <project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github"  revision="lineage-18.1"/>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="github"  revision="lineage-18.1"/>

2/ then tried to remove the muppets reference since the logs showed a duplicate reference

3/ then added the github reference <remote name="github" fetch="" /> in the xml file with which gave the following error “fatal: remote github already exists with different attributes”

I still have a fatal: manifest 'default.xml 'not available error

btw here is the docker command I was using

sudo docker run -v "/srv/e/src:/srv/src" -v "/srv/e/zips:/srv/zips" -v "/srv/e/logs:/srv/logs" -v "/srv/e/ccache:/srv/ccache" -v "/srv/e/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" -e "BRANCH_NAME=v1-r" -e "DEVICE_LIST=serranodsdd" -e "REPO="

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fatal: manifest 'default.xml 'not available

was this a pasting error, or is this indeed whitespace in between the single quotes? maybe just an edit error

The way it is linked inside .repo is:
.repo/manifest.xml contains

<include name="default.xml" />

which makes repo readout the path .repo/manifests/default.xml

If the include has an extra whitespace, I guess it will check for "default.xml\ "?

Edit: if you can, create a separate s4mini build thread if you see further errors, as it doesn’t concern the flash instructions

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docker install was not giving me enough info.
I’ve redone everything manually looking at lineage info and info given on e foundation gitlab

the repo was not syncing correctly because I had only git and not git lfs, required for some /e repos

found proprietary blob from themuppets

prebuilts apk were not automatically populated but I downloaded them directluy

built the image, but it failed because the built image was bigger than the system partition allowed for serranodsdd

removing magicearth from system partition was not enough, so I got rid of most of system apps until building succeeded (it’s always possible to add aps afterwards)

after all that I managed to build v.1.3-r for srranodsdd

seems to work well. Advanced privacy is not really snappy but seems to work.
gps is slow as ever, but nothin new here, it was always the case for me on this phone

everything else seems to be working normally