Samsung Galaxy Tab2 espressowifi (two models 7 & 10)

another thing,
i remember e-0.9-n-20200618-1754-UNOFFICIAL-espressowifi was anormaly slow and freezing on my p3110, why i have solded it (running PostmarketOS Linux distribution for smartphone)…
but i don’t see such problems running e-0.9-n-20200618-1939-UNOFFICIAL-espresso3g on my p5100.

on the other hand, only difference between the two devices is the modem,
so i just tamper the 3g zip to accept the “wifi only” devices codename :

by adding an element in "/META-INF/com/android/metadata"

pre-device=espresso3g, espressowifi

and adding some elements in "META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script"

getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “p3110” || getprop(“”) == “p3110” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “p5110” || getprop(“”) == “p5110” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “p3113” || getprop(“”) == “p3113” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “p5113” || getprop(“”) == “p5113” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “GT-P3110” || getprop(“”) == “GT-P3110” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “GT-P5110” || getprop(“”) == “GT-P5110” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “GT-P3113” || getprop(“”) == “GT-P3113” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “GT-P5113” || getprop(“”) == “GT-P5113” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “espressowifi” || getprop(“”) == “espressowifi” ||

is there someone owning a wifi only device to test installing ?

if you use one of the Android-Andi’s builds for the “Galaxy Tab 2”, (e-0.9-n-20200618) you can install his Over-Clocked kernel : (2x 1,350 Ghz instead of 2x1 Ghz)