Samsung Galaxy Tab2 espressowifi (two models 7 & 10)

Now with browser and framework patches included. Please not that all builds are custom builds and some apps are missing
Sorry, Black screen after Samsung logo…

who toke the wifi version ?

ok, I think we are stuck now when the patches do not work but make system unusable…

I would like to try to build myself, but for now i don’t understand how to procede, how to apply patch and what it is.
IT documentation in english is hard to me !
i will search for explanations in french…

also sorry @ronnz98 @Android-Andi @Mighty i see multiple advices here, but can’t figure how to synthetise them.
One more time thank you for your effort.

another thing,
i remember e-0.9-n-20200618-1754-UNOFFICIAL-espressowifi was anormaly slow and freezing on my p3110, why i have solded it (running PostmarketOS Linux distribution for smartphone)…
but i don’t see such problems running e-0.9-n-20200618-1939-UNOFFICIAL-espresso3g on my p5100.

on the other hand, only difference between the two devices is the modem,
so i just tamper the 3g zip to accept the “wifi only” devices codename :

by adding an element in "/META-INF/com/android/metadata"

pre-device=espresso3g, espressowifi

and adding some elements in "META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script"

getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “p3110” || getprop(“”) == “p3110” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “p5110” || getprop(“”) == “p5110” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “p3113” || getprop(“”) == “p3113” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “p5113” || getprop(“”) == “p5113” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “GT-P3110” || getprop(“”) == “GT-P3110” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “GT-P5110” || getprop(“”) == “GT-P5110” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “GT-P3113” || getprop(“”) == “GT-P3113” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “GT-P5113” || getprop(“”) == “GT-P5113” ||getprop(“ro.product.device”) == “espressowifi” || getprop(“”) == “espressowifi” ||

is there someone owning a wifi only device to test installing ?

if you use one of the Android-Andi’s builds for the “Galaxy Tab 2”, (e-0.9-n-20200618) you can install his Over-Clocked kernel : (2x 1,350 Ghz instead of 2x1 Ghz)

now, this version can be installed and starts successfully :+1:
it runs quite smoother than Android-Andi’s WiFi version, without need to disable microG-services and other apps

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Thanks for having tested my “trick”,
I am happy to have helped your device to fully working.
All p3110, p3113, p5110, p5113 users can take advantage in using it !

so we have a nice running version for P3110, but still with version 0.9-n;
it would be nice to get the version 0.21-n running or any other possible version;
i don’t have any experience with Android development, but i can test with my device;

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Not only the modem, you might face issues with the audio as well xD. Havent gotten much time to build /e/ but I’ll try to get one built and tested on my device locally. What version are we targeting?

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I think Audio differences are between 7.0" devices or 10.1" devices, not between wifi or 3g…


I can confirm the audio issue with piero’s image.
I only use the P3110 as navi, and with his version, no audio output for navigation.
With Android-Andi’s version, the audio worked.

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Are there any new builds i can/should test on P3110 (Galaxy Tab2 WiFi 7")?

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