Samsung Galaxy Tab2 espressowifi (two models 7 & 10)

Good deal. I had trouble w/ L 14 from the repo. Got the version I used from Andi in his filehost. 13 out of the repo went in fine and worked more quickly and smoothly.

Have a good night Chimpthepimpā€¦

The problem is as very often in my life, that the goal / desire we pursue donā€™t fit into the predetermined boxes.
Our request for Archje and I, is ā€œborder lineā€.
There is no ā€œmarshmallowā€ branch in the /e/ project, and there is no ā€œexpressowifiā€ device in the ā€œnougatā€ branch of the LineageOS project.
We have to tinker to achieve a kind of quadrature of the circle.

Exactly why I waited to see if anyone else wanted the project. And why I want to share my very limited knowledge and experience with you people.
I want to thank @Chimpthepimp for the effort, time and consideration of our request.
Stop by, the espresso machine is up and running ( the tab and :coffee: maker got plenty of Hershey bars and cream too):grin:

@Luvsespresso, no, I did not make another attempt. In the past I have tried a few things and have come to terms with LOS 14.1. If @Chimpthepimp canā€™t find a solution - then I certainly canā€™t.

I want to concentrate more on testing the devices from Lineage Build roster, especially the LG family of devices.

@piero ā€œquadrature of the circleā€ is this a reference to the old square peg in a round hole? Get a bigger hammerā€¦it will go if you try. Been looking into it. So far all I can find is Unlegacy Android 7.1. doubt it will work. Project dropped there too. Very same reason. We might be asking for a miracle or writing our own.

so see here @piero the manifest for the build with all the sources, taken from andi34ā€™s github.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
	<project name="Unlegacy-Android/proprietary_vendor_ti" path="vendor/ti" remote="github" revision="stable" />
	<remove-project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_ti_omap4" />

	<project name="LineageOS/android_packages_apps_SamsungServiceMode" path="packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
	<project name="LineageOS/android_external_stlport" path="external/stlport" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
	<project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_espressowifi" path="device/samsung/espressowifi" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
	<project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_espresso3g" path="device/samsung/espresso3g" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
	<project name="LineageOS/android_external_jhead" path="external/jhead" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
	<project name="Unlegacy-Android/android_hardware_ti_omap4" path="hardware/ti/omap4" remote="github" revision="stable" />
	<project name="Unlegacy-Android/android_kernel_ti_omap4" path="kernel/ti/omap4" remote="github" revision="3.0/common" />

I was thinking we have to copy all Andiā€™s sources, and modify some lines in some files or scripts to make them pointing /e/projectā€¦
And have to copy all /e/ sources, and modify some lines in some files or scripts to make them pointing Andiā€™s sourcesā€¦
Or copy/paste some parts to include them any where elseā€¦

But I am certainly wrong cause I donā€™t know anything about building custom ROM image.

Depending on the sources, if there are no official lineage sources for the device, you normally insert them with these manifest.xml files into the build process but they have to fit the build process quite well otherwise there will be problemsā€¦

OK but to ā€œmakeā€ one file, the process may have to take references to different sources in the right order, not only one source per type of reference.
Am I clear ?
there should exist others scripts and to succeed with have to edit somes.

did you build with or witout docker ?

any advise / idea from @support or others (@builder or @developer) ?

that is what the roomservice.xml is for.
i have not found other manifests for lineage 14.1 then the one from andi34ā€¦
i build with docker ā€¦

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I see in the manifest he is using ua repos. Could it be as simple as change the Samsung stuff to ua repo too?

The ua sources are for aosp, anyway i. Could try using some of them but usually to build lineage-sources are neededā€¦

@Chimpthepimp : I understand that to apply a degoogling patch for the lineageOS code, we need lineageOS sources, but whitch Lineages-sources are needed ?

@Luvsespresso : our goal for now is building
If itā€™s not possible to build with docker, i want to try without docker,
but it is not time yet for building something labeled

@community : i am wanted to call andi for advises,
do you know someone serious XDA or github member ?

We need kernel, device tree and vendor files some times more that would be espresso-common in this case, also some patches can be needed but that is deeper in the developement than my knowledge goesā€¦
The script variant is using the same commands as docker script, also the aosp sources may work as /e/-os is based on lineage-os which is based on aospā€¦
He stopped android development :smiley: but go for it :smiley:

Hello, Is it interesting ?

That is where i took the sources from :slight_smile:

@Chimpthepimp Thanks for your efforts. Your attempts are appreciated. IMHO the proposal may be impractical given the status of kernel maintenance.

  1. There is not a viable lineage 14 source.
  2. There is no one available for completing the work.
  3. This is my opinion but I donā€™t think thereā€™s a refined kernel available for the build that meets criteria (it has become obvious what the developer was working on at the moment the project was concluded)
    @pjmbraet @archje thanks for your efforts also
    @piero sorry I wonā€™t be able to attempt your proposal. Seems only you and I are interested given the focus of development. Sometimes we donā€™t want to hear the truth.
    I gave you a viable option, ungoogled. Itā€™s very bare and I suggest you push fdroid to the download folder if you decide to take my advice.
    Donā€™t know how old your child is. If younger than teens you can add olpc and gcompris. Both are ungoogled. If your child is a teenager then ungoogled might not be the best answer.
    On security I am no expert. Ungoogled is important to me. Otherwise my espressowifi will only be used in the most trustworthy environment I can have, so security isnā€™t a priority. I trust my admin. I trust the manufacturerā€™s domain. My tab isnā€™t used for games or social media. It has a specific purpose for me and the combination I have found is going to serve the purpose if I can get an ungoogled browser that works for me ( this research takes precedence over everything I need to know to even know how to begin getting a repo set up besides completing a build with premade scripts, not forgotten the knowledge needed to make custom scripts).

I didnā€™t sign a check or pull out a credit card to pay these guys. I hope thanks is adequate payment for the effort.
:peace_symbol: Thanks again guys.

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Hey together!
I am out of Android development for a while now for different reasons.
Thanks to Corona I am quite busy in real life atm but I might have some time next week to dig around on my PC and collect everything you need to build Lineage OS 14. Please send me a reminder on 22.04. if Iā€™ve not posted any source information until that. Some needed parts are not merged into the official Lineage sources.

Best regards



Welcome to the /e/ community, @Android-Andi.
Should Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 / Tab 2 10.1 aka P3100 ā€œespresso3gā€ and P3110 ā€œespressowifiā€ really be able to experience a renaissance? Have a good time.

Not Up to me. I am not going to work on it in future. I can share the source and someone else decides what to do with it.

All sources I am using are more or less based on Unlegacy-Android, only Rom specific modifications needed.
Some unmerged parts are on Unlegacy-Androids Gerrit.

But like said: give me a week and youā€™ll get everything you need from me.

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