Samsung S7 update guide (for newbie )

Hello everyone,

This is a question that seems really for newbies and I just want some guidence about it. I have running in my S7 /e/ 0.13 android 7 and I want update to 0.14. Today I received a notification to update, and when I choose update the system download it and then restart it. Then it shows the TRPW screen and then I don’t know what is next. Do you have the instructions in someplace ? thank you.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Hi @rafael.parra1016,
normally after an OTA update, it automagically installs the new build. 0.14-o-2021012798648-dev-herolte is a bit buggy, so it stops half way. The update installation must therefore be done manually.

Although the necessary installation steps have been mentioned several times here in the forum (Best regards from /e/forum ‘Search’), the following is a short version:

In TWRP tap “Install” to navigate to the directory /data/lineageos_updates and install the .zip file from there.

But is it worth the effort? The /e/ROM does come with microG version, but only with Android security patch 5 December 2020. Besides, /e/ has discarded the S7 /S7 Edge from its support list and so not much better will follow.

A release change (upgrade) could be a short-lived alternative. Forum member @LaurentG has thankfully been regularly building an [unofficial] /e/ OS ‘9-Pie’ for some months now.

really thanks for your instructions. I really appreciate it . I was able to install the update and Im going to check the non official build. Im interested.

Update: I was able to install the unofficial Pie versino on my S7. Thanks! a learned a lot .

:clap: Bravo, bravissimo! :+1: