Samsung S9+ loss of closing app feature after upgrade from 2.0-s to 2.1-s

Hi everyone,

well I’m new here and I like the /e/ OS - it’s a good OS and using it now for almost 1 year.

I am quiet not sure if this section is the right one to create this topic but I am not sure if this only affects Samsung S9+ devices or other devices too. If I am wrong please give me a hint and I will put it in the appropriate section or move my thread where it should belongs - thanks.

Part 1: a few critiques for the OS =)
I don’t understand the reasoning behind preventing users from deleting system apps like notes etc. nor am I able to deactivate them. What’s the point in preventing that? That gives me the typical big-tech vibe which google and apple do us all by giving us devices which we can’t manage on our own. I guess most of the people here who use /e/ OS are not the average joe user. So it would be great if we would be allowed to do more things in the OS. I understand that the devs like to prevent people from bricking the system and complaining afterwards but I think there should always be an option for advanced users to gain more control of their phone.

Oh I forgott to mention that most of the apps just restart on their own after some time. Why? I don’t want notes, tasks, app lounge and my other apps to restart at their own will. I want to open them, when I need them. This is not just only useless waste of cpu and memory resources but more important battery “juice”.

Why not implement some kind of feature or app which allows to boost the microphone volume? I don’t know why but on most phones (specialy samsung) when one installs a custom rom the mic volumes goes down that you almost have to increase your voice for no reason. It would be glady appreciated if that would be fixed one day.

I recently upgraded via OTA from 2.0-s-(I can’t remember the exact Version anymore) to 2.1-s-20240603406609-stable-star2lte and noticed that besides the common annoyance mentioned above a heavy battery drain and weird behaviour in apps. So I decided to make a factory reset and configure anything again from scratch but now I see some more anoying things:

I lost the ability to assigne the “back” button the functionality to close the front running application. That was a great neat feature which is now gone and I don’t know why. Considering I am not allowed to deactivate some system related apps, I am not allowed to deinstall them but now I am even not allowed to close them running in the front anymore? oh come on guys - seriously!?!

And a little small weird bug I encountered. If I am in the app list and want to scroll down and up - it sometimes doesn’t respond to the scrolling request. I run with my fingers up and down and nothing happens but when I swipe a little bit more left up-and-down it works. I found out that if I remove animations this problems is fixed.

The Notes app which worked very well with my nextcloud (via davx5) now is not able to find my notes which doesn’t make any sense. I can’t figure out what the issue is for now.

/e/ OS is good and hopefully will be better and stay :slight_smile:
I guess that’s the reason why we all are here.

have nice day everyone

Oh I forgott to mention that after the upgrade the battery drain increased. I use the exact same amount of apps. Nothing new and my using behaviour didn’t changed. I am sure it’s OS related.

Addressing the issue of the title, there have been reports of failure of 2 button navigation. Are you using 2 button navigation ( or gestures). On 3 button, if you search Settings > Buttons do you find “Recent long press action” and do you find a more restricted choice than this

(This from 2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-ocean)

Hi Aibd,

thank you for your reply :slight_smile:

I am using the three button navigation mode without any kind of gestures. Since I use smartphones I am accustomed to this style of phone navigation.

No, I have exactly the same amount of choices in the “Recent long press actions” menue, on all “Long press” options there are 8 available options but what I am missing from the prior OS version is the option to close the current running application in “Back long press action” menue not the the “Recent” and not the “home”.

And you know what’s even more strange? I checked right now on my second phone which I only just use to tinker around and in case of devastating failure or damage of my main daily phone (Galaxy s9+). My second phone is an old Galaxy S7 (herolte) with /e/ OS “2.1-r-202406034006611-stable-herolte” and there IS still this option available on the “back button long press action” menue and it works like charm.

So what is going on here? :thinking:

Sorry about my lack of attention. So I find

If missing you should consider to Report an issue. This link also contains advice in case (as many do) you have trouble registering your email address.

No problem at all :slight_smile: I appreciate the help.

Yeah it looks exactly like on my S9+ phone. OK thank you for the link provided. I think that might be the correct way of handling it.

Well for some odd reasons I am not able to register on the gitlab with my mail adress which is odd because I never registered there before. Well that is not so dramatically bad because I found here in the forum a section for giving feedback for the 2.1 release. I will post my issue there too. May be someone of the DEVs looks in to it :slight_smile:

it’s not quiet the same issue which is mentioned in the link you provided.

Here a screenshot:

As I said. It’s ok for me. There are other ways to report issues etc :slight_smile: but thank you for the help.

The issue mentioned (and from the reported experience of other “new users”) seems quite non specific.

hmmm … partly due to devs working remotely we are asked to file issues on Issues · e / Backlog · GitLab.

But hopefully your post Feedback for v2.1 - #173 by voidout may find its way back to devs.