Scoped storage horrors using magicearth, osmand and mixplorer

Hi all,

I’m having troubles accessing data on my sd card since last update. The apps concerned are

  • com.mixplorer, source: XDA
  • com.generalmagic.magicearth, came preinstalled (great app by the way!)
  •, installed from applounge.

I found this thread on XDA. I was able to change the rights from aforementioned apps from “media only” to “media and files”, so the adb command works. But the issue persists! I’m still unable to access files in “/storage/9C33-6BBD/Android/data/” while using “adb shell ls /storage/9C33-6BBD/Android/data/” shows there are files present!

There are solutions available for gallery apps like here. Is something possible for the aforemetioned apps?

Or should I downgrade from v1.0r to v1.0q if at all possible?

Kind regards,


Well, it seems the adb command did not work.

I found a workaround for Osmand: use the 4.0.9 version from f-droid and manually enter a data folder of your choice.
No such luck for Magicearth. I’ve mailed them and they suggest to downgrade to lineage 17.1.

in 1.0 /e/ version of magic earth ( the option to “prefer external storage” is gone as described in Download maps on SD card - Magic Earth - probably new code would be necessary to make it compatible with Android 11 SAF.

I think Apps continue to be able to use external storage in the SAF A11+ by requesting access the same way Osmand handles user-set target directories?

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