Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year (in advance)

Wishing all /e/OS users, well-wishers and their family members a Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings.

Since most of our team members and our users would be on vacation during this time, wishing you a Happy New Year in advance :smile:
May you have a happy, prosperous and productive 2024.

On behalf of /e/OS and the team, we look forward to your cooperation and support in the years to come.
On our part, we promise to strive to continue to improve the OS and it services. As always, we look forward to your advice and valuable feedback to guide us.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


Merry /e/xmas everyone !

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Happy New Year to you all!

This is a great community forum. People are always very nice and helpful ( and patient with those that prefer to double questions instead of searching the forum :crazy_face: )

I’ve been a very happy /e/os user for 3 and half years. Been using since then as my daily driver and never looked back. Thank you so much Murena and /e/os team!

There are a few things that many of us would love to see in 2024, like the ability to use /e/os with our cars without risking privacy.

I hope @GaelDuval will present us a Roadmap for 2024!? That would be great!

But I’ve to say that communication improved a lot in the last year or two thank’s to @Manoj dedication to the forum. Thank you so much Manoj.

Happy New Year!


Best wishes for the new year to everyone! :fireworks: :partying_face:
Hopefully this year more people will find their way to /e/OS, Murena, and open-source software in general. Let’s keep fighting together against Big-Tech :fist:

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