Self-hosted cloud administration

Is there any plan to create an admin portal component for the self-hosted cloud package?

(Or any documentation on how things like account level work? My account is showing as having 1G of storage available, and since it’s a private system I’d like to increase that. :slight_smile:


Hi Robin,
You need to log in using the admin account, and then you can go to users to change the quota for accounts. If I remember right, you have to click on the limit about in the user list to change it, but it does change. :slight_smile:
Keep the Faith,

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Hi there,

Of course there is some admin portal, not one but three of them!
For your concern, you’ll have to use Nextcloud admin account, which unveils admin pages.
Here is the link to the official documentation:

How to get access:

  • log off any Nextcloud session in your browser
  • access to your server using a root shell account (same as for installation)
  • enter bash /mnt/repo-base/scripts/
  • you’ll need the “ncadmin_…” account here
  • proceed as @erothoff wrote (you can access users management from your menu, icon at top right)
  • once done, you can also check that email quota has been increased using postfix admin (from show-info script)

Hah; the “quota” column wasn’t showing in my browser until I clicked the “close navigation” button. I guess the css doesn’t like small laptop screens. :slight_smile:

I knew about the admin portals for each of the 3 services; I didn’t realize that changing something in nextcloud would change anything outside nextcloud. That would be a useful note on the install doc?


The changed was picked up by postfixadmin, by the way, but even after a reboot my phone is still saying I’m on a 1G account (and the upgrade button opens so I’m guessing that the phone’s account manager doesn’t know about self-hosting?


I spoke too soon: an hour later the account manager does see the increased quota. So it’s more a matter of it being very slow to see changes, which was already clear from how long it takes to sync.

(It calls it a “free plan” and the upgrade button points to, so the client side could still do better, but the actual functionality is working. :slight_smile:


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