Send/receive mms not possible FP3+ e/OS v2.2


I use FP3+ and MMS was working well for about a month but since august last year I can’t send/receive any

APN setup is correct.
Provider : free

I’ve seen a post with Adaway but my phone is not rooted, would this option work or is there any other (simplier) option ?

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Something that could looks dumb but happened to me is that your message app is trying to sendd mms in a too huge resilution for your network. Check your sms app settings to be sure that auto-compress mms is set on automatic. Otherwise it just won’t work. If it doesn’t work and you have checked your apn settings then i unfortunately can’t help you :confused:

Good luck !

Thanks VinK3645, I’ve checked and changed settings but it didn’t solve this problem.

ps : I’m not sure whether English or French language is more suitable for this community

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Hi @fkt welcome to the /e/ forum/

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