Hi, in the end of 2023 my wife (FP3) and I (FP4) tried to get a shared calendar working. I created a calendar and wanted to share this with her murena.io account. Due to the fact that my (now former) company used al lot of Nextcloud, like shared calendars, this seemed simple to do. But alas we couldn’t get it to work.
I made a call in the support (ticket #9924534) and dec.'23 I got a reply that this didn’t work and that the issue was put on the roadmap.
I wonder if anyone has got this working and/or if this is solved or for some reason put on hold. We now invite each other for certain events, but because by making a default event there’s no participants field (only under More…) it’s a bit cumbersome. It’s handier to just make an event and select the right calendar to make it available to all subscribers.
If it is resolved, then I’m sorry. I read through (i think) every release note, but found nothing about this.
Kind regards, Epco
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