Should i update openkeychain via F Droid?

Hi there,

I m on eos stable 1.7-r on my FP3. F-droid has an update for openkeychain from 5.7.5 to 5.8.2. Should i do the update ?
Because it is natively intergrated on e/os, is it possible that it will break the behaviour of the app ? And is there a risk that the 1.8 version of e/os will downgrade the app ?
Am i the only one on this case ? Because i guess we are several here to use F Droid…
Thanks for your help !

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No, you’re not the only one in this case. I don’t use OpenKeyChain at all, so I updated it. To date I have not noticed any change, but then again I was not using OKC before.

After you make a point by saying that the app will probably be downgraded in version 1.8 and will therefore be re-proposed by AppLounge for an update.

I have 5.8.2 installed on my FP3. Are you sure it’s integrated? I’d be surprised that e would be using f-droid signed apps integrated directly into the image.

I got the version 5.8.2 on my phone wihich is the one proposed by FDroid…

Even though it would seem that OpenKeychain may be downgraded during updates, that won’t actually be the case. The latest user installed version (living in /data/app/) will always remain.
I’ve never had to reinstall the newer version after an OTA update.

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Both OpenKeychain (F-Droid) and Magic Earth (Play Store) are two apps that can be upgraded from the respective stores.

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OK thank you @marcdw for this info. Good to know.

Thank you marcdw for those infos ! Good to know indeed ! :+1: