SIGNAL no longer sends SMS...after a random time

I figured it out,
Just activate “wifi call compatibility mode”. It’s been working perfectly ever since. (Solution found on the site of Signal)

I re-installed Signal and deactivated MicroG during registering.
After registering I activated MicroG.
It’s been working perfectly ever since.



Yesterday I updated the /e/ OS on my Nexus 5.
After the update Signal stopped sending SMS messages. Frustrating:-(
I activated “wifi call compatibility mode” and checked the Signal site for further info.
It seems that nothing solves my problem.
Re-installing Signal every update and with MicroG disabled every registering action is not my preferred solution. Maybe it’s time to try Langis?


After activating wifi compatibility, a reboot of the phone is necessary

I just did that. SMS function is back again.
We will see what happens after the next OS-update.
I’ll keep you posted.

I have an S7 and after several updates the sms still work.

Best regards,

Major Tom

New problem: SMS messages are sent (sent sign is shown), but do arrive!

Can’t find Langis on FDroid…

You can add the repository to F-droid by adding a QR-code, look at the bottom of the site

Thanks. Found it and installed it.
I’ll keep you posted on the results.

Just tried sending several SMS messages: none of them arrived although Signal indicates that they have been sent.
Now what should I do? Getting a bit frustrated;-)


Anyone a suggestion?

I’m not a signal messenger specialist. For me it works perfectly… Without langis, just with wifi compatibility active…

I use the dev version of /e/ : 0.7-2020031745615


Thanks for responding. Much appreciated. I am also on /e/ 0.7-2020031745615.
I just de-installed Langis and installed Signal back again. I will see what happens.

Strange thing:
I used an old mobile for testing. I have accidently sent a signalmessage to it a few days ago.
Of course the Signal message dit not arrive.
Just after installing Signal a few moments ago I wanted to send a test-sms to the old mobile.
Chosing the old mobile number in the Signal app, Signal only offers me to send a signal message.
Although all options are activated.
I must be possible to overrule Signal and send a sms when I want to, or not?


To send a simole sms to a person using signal : press and hold down the send button (see Screenshot) and select the sms function.

Does this answer your question?

Yes! Merci beaucoup!

If one selects a contact and did not start typing, one can press and hold the + button.
Meaning one can chose sms or Signal in advance.
Ultimately the effect is the same.

Bon weekend,

Just to let you know:
Updated /e/ OS on my Nexus 5 yesterday, Signal app still working normally:-)

With the QR Code the installation did not work for me.

langis1 langis2 langis3

This is how it works: signal-gcm-less

To get the latest APK via direct download, click here.

But is this really “clean”?

langis4 langis5 langis6

I have been using Signal without any problem for more than 2 monts now.
Now if I open Signal a banner informs me that I have 9 days left to upgrade to a new version.
I can click on the banner and only APKPure and F-Droid are available for updating the app.
But I installed from the /e/ playstore. And the /e/ playstore is giving me no possibility to upgrade.
I find it a bit confusing. Are all installations, /e/, APKPure and F_Droid identical?
What should I do?
