Bonjour. I used to ignore “System updates”, for fear of disabling my S9 (SM-G960F), but this time I went for it… I should have abstained: since the upgrade finished, the SIM isn’t detected.
The current version is “e_startlte-userdebug 10 QQ3A.200805.001 eng.root.20220201.120616 dev-keys,stable-release”
This looks related to this /e/ issue and this LineageOS issue but I do not understand the explanations… I only performed a /e/ installation twice, so I rediscover the tools each time and I’m not up to date on the state of the art.
The “one-click” UI led me to expected /e/ to handle the upgrade but it seems that my expectation was misplaced. From what I gather from the two threads linked above, recovering access to the SIM requires extra steps. Might someone here please tell me how to proceed ?
My setup is a standard /e/ with TWRP and Magisk. Is my issue a corner case or is it common enough that there is official documentation ? I’m surprised to not see more users with a similar experience - and scared too…
Losing SIM - and therefore connectivity feels like a major issue to me… I’m puzzled.
can you give specifics to exact device model (SM-xx) and provider used?
the linked lineage thread is for the osprey device and suggest sideloading from a upgraded lineage recovery (not twrp) again, I don’t think this applies to you, but you can flash a current recovery to the partition again
the user in linked /e/ issue flashed to latest stock rom before reinstalling /e/ - thus getting updated modem partitions
I have no starlte myself so I better not “help”. Did you try the basics already like removing the SIM, booting with empty slot, re-adding the card?
I see you are using stable. On this device it makes me think that your upgrade was Oreo to Q, and that you used the System updater. Can you confirm both of these?
In the case of failed “Automatic upgrade”.
Remember you are one of the very first to try this. Previously the System updater only provided /e/ version updates not a full Android upgrade.
Am I doomed to reinstall ?
I think you should ask that question at
There is quite a high chance that some simple setting got changed in the Upgrade. Doing a systematic triage of all possible changes would be the first thing! Hopefully they might guide you through this.
I just found the image I had used to setup the SM-G960F initially:
I used the “Settings → System updates” menu pick an available update, clicked on the update item and let the upgrade perform, including a reboot.
So, I migrated from stable 0.17 20210531117530 to stable 0.21 2022020158537
I’m also finding Bluetooth, formerly perfectly satisfactory, to be unstable during calls - the headset drops from the call, to come back a dozen seconds later, which of course makes it unusable… But that’s another matter, for later - for now recovering mobile connectivity is of course my priority goal.
So you have confirmed (if you were in any doubt); you say “initially:” where the lower case “o” represents Oreo and in your first post “current version is “e_startlte-userdebug 10” where 10 is Andriod 10 / Q.
Please report it as the serious bug I described above, Failed “Automatic upgrade”.
I have E fondation OS install with exe program.
I have do the last update : actually on my phone : e-sarlte-userdebug 10 QQ3A.200805.001 eng.root.20220201.120616 dev-keys,stable-release
And i cant note use DATA on my sim card. The option is actived on the panel, but i can not use internet.
It seems that I am not the only one with this problem related to the sim card, but I take the liberty of pointing it out to you because it is an important problem. I sent a ticket to,
Hi @Stilgar, welcome to the /e/ forum. Sorry to hear this and thanks for your report. However if you want to make the developers aware please review @liotier’s Gitlab issue linked above and add full details of your experience.
Please @aibd, should I wait for a solution or should I accept that I need to reinstall a lesser version that does not suffer from this problem ? In the second, painful, case, what version should I chose ?
One might take the view that the Samsung 9’s got stuck at Oreo because of this very difficulty of the Upgrade to Android 10, Q.
As “stable” appears right now to have gone unstable, I am guessing that only a robust fix could restore stable … so perhaps this explains the delay. I am in no way qualified to speak for the /e/ team.
if you decided to go for a reinstall without /e/ team support, I guess you would need to convince yourself that you felt dev is not the lesser choice today !
Put another way, do you think it is useful to the development and quality assurance process that I keep my S9 in its current state for the purpose of being a guinea pig for testing a fix, or would that not be useful - in which case I might as well schedule the installation of 0.16, 0.17 or 0.18 ?
Generally in the upgrade from Oreo to Q, you would have to make a full backup or have to start again with all your apps. Did you stuff (your data) survive this incident? Did the majority of the system appear to survive the upgrade?
SIM not detected and unstable Bluetooth are the only faults. Everything else is nominal and I’m still using this S9 daily, reaching the Internet through a spare device set up as a Wi-Fi access point routing to LTE.
What local data exists is mostly cache for IMAP, *DAV and Matrix - everything else is synchronized through Syncthing.
Thanks for confirming, one other thing, how practical would it be to undo Rooting? This is only a guess, but I it might have been possible that rooting got in the way of the automatic upgrade.
I am not recommending this yet but it might be worth a very simple reflash of system.
However as you have SIM problem I was first drawn to fully reflash with a stock ROM.
@Manoj, can you hazard a guess whether @liotier might see any sort of response to his gitlab issue before the weekend, thank you. I wish I had a clue of how the automatic upgrade works, if I looked harder would I find it?
The team is aware of this issue, besides others raised on this forum around s9 upgrades. I do not think we tested on rooted devices. Maybe we should add a warning regarding this.
In my view the ota-upgrade itself was the problem (not the /e/ version or Android version), so I feel there is no need to downgrade /e/ version or Android version. The only (in my view marginal) downgrade is stable → dev.
Some might say that there is another unknown; if you change channels (that is stable/dev) but in my view a bigger risk element if you do an unsuccessful downgrade from Android 10 to 8,
The big unknown is we are not told the “magic” of this upgrade method.
These links cover the choice of published ROMs available to you:
Downloads for the starlte
Custom recovery (not required if you already have it running on your phone)
Thanks, I’m used to supporting Free software… I sit at the Board of the Openstreetmap Foundation, I’ve had 25 years of Debian administration and I am currently nursing my OPNSense router whose “OTA” upgrade also broke (the same spare devices used as Wi-Fi router for the S9 is currently the backup for my home’s 1Gb/s FTTH)… I suppose I’m more patient than the average user - I know what it is like !
I have never done it, but for the purpose of testing I can do that, if you find it useful.
I suppose that the likes of Could not find '' could also mean that my hardware is fried, though Wi-Fi works fine and the problem occurring right as the upgrade finishes makes the hardware failure hypothesis extremely unlikely.