Yesterday I upgraded /e/OS manually using an unofficial ROM. Everything went smoothly. I booted into TWRP and then used adb sideload to install the new ROM.
Now here’s the thing. The shortcut to boot into TWRP on my Samsung SM-A520-F is rather quirky. You have to press down all four buttons on the phone simultaneously, and once the screen goes black, you have to release the lower volume button. At least that’s what I figured out.
Now I have to perform the same operation on my dad’s phone. He lives 1500 kilometers away, so I have to connect to his computer remotely (I’m doing this all the time though).
Here’s my question. Is there a different way to access TWRP ? Can I directly boot into it using an adb command ? This would spare my dad (who’s definitely not a phone hacker) the mess and potential disaster of using a not-very-user-friendly key combination.